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Online Status

  • @julian25


    I have translated BuddyPress completely in German. But the online status has not been translated. For example: 16 minutes ago. But I have translated everything. What can I do?

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  • @venutius


    Have you deactivated all other plugins except BuddyPress? looks like something is causing BP to not see the files



    @venutius Yes, I tried that.



    How about setting the theme to 2015? IF that fails then there must be something up with your basic WordPress install.



    @venutius I’m sorry, I do not understand. Do I need to set the theme differently?




    check the code you used for “16 minutes ago”. You will find it in the buddypress-de_DE.po file. Normally, you should have %s ago -> vor %s. If you omit % or s, the string won’t be translated.

    If it’s not a typo error of yours:
    – where is this untranslated “ago” string showing ? Site activity, profile, widget, other ?

    – do you use a specific “buddypress” theme ?

    – does the issue remain when using the “official” translation file ? If not, download it here (po & mo). Don’t forget to remove your version before adding the original one into wp-content/languages/plugins/



    @danbp Thank you for your help. I could not find a mistake in the translation. “% S” is used correctly everywhere. Any online status has not been translated (Not just “ago”), I downloaded the official version. It is about the page “Side-Wide – activity”. I have installed a Buddypress independent theme.



    @danbp , @venutius There is news, on the homepage it is displayed correctly in the sidebar. Only on the “Side-Wide – activity” page is it displayed on Englich.



    Check your theme files. You need to find the “ago” part and modify it (via child theme) to what BP use for it.

    Or maybe you can get a german version for your theme or search the string in the existing theme translation.

    Eventually ask for help on the theme support, as it is not a BP issue.



    @danbp I have tried different themes, the same problem is everywhere. I have been wrong: Everywhere in the side bar it is displayed in English (but on the start page it is displayed correctly in the side bar) and even when I go to “friends” it is displayed in English.



    Which theme do you use?



    @julian25, die Frage ist für dich ! Du hast sie nicht beantwortet… 😉 Welches Theme benutzt Du ?
    Please provide details when you’re asked for.
    Which is the widget you use in the sidebar who show “16 minutes ago” ?
    How many sidebars are used by your theme ?
    Do you have a specific sidebar for homepage only ?



    @danbp Oh sorry, I use the evolve theme. I am totally desperate.



    I am totally desperate. Ich auch ! Mann, muss ich jede frage zwei mahl stellen, oder wie, oder was ?



    @danbp I use the widgets “BuddyPress Friends” and “BuddyPress Members”. I use 1 sidebar. The theme supports 2. I have no specific sidebar. Have I answered all the questions?



    I’m not despairing about you. I am desperate because I have tried everything.



    No worry. About the heme, do you use the free version or the premium version by themeforest ?



    I use the free version.



    @danbp I just noticed that when I load the page for the first time, it is displayed correctly for a few seconds. It is displayed until the online status changes. So from 1 minute to 2 minutes.



    I tested the free version and i have no issue with it, at least not whith the 2 widgets activated.
    But i haven’t followed the theme recommandation saying i have to use Redux framework. I tested just the theme, not the additionnal plugin. If you use it, deactivate it and see if the issue remains.



    @danbp I do not use the additional plugin.



    @danbp A solution I would have still: If only indicated, whether someone is online or offline and no time is displayed. How can this be realized?

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