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optionsbar & userbar’s Not Hidden on Directory Pages

  • @mark235


    After upgrading to BuddyPress 1.0, I can’t seem to get rid of the option and user bars on the directory pages for member, group and blogs.

    Sample of 1.0 with error:

    What it should look like on rc 1.0

    1.0 code for: wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php for lines 676 through 711 is:

    <?php } ?>


    do_action( ‘bp_nav_items’ );


    function bp_custom_profile_boxes() {

    do_action( ‘bp_custom_profile_boxes’ );


    function bp_custom_profile_sidebar_boxes() {

    do_action( ‘bp_custom_profile_sidebar_boxes’ );


    function bp_get_userbar( $hide_on_directory = true ) {

    global $bp;

    if ( $hide_on_directory && $bp->is_directory )

    return false;

    include_once( TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/userbar.php’ );


    function bp_get_optionsbar( $hide_on_directory = true ) {

    global $bp;

    if ( $hide_on_directory && $bp->is_directory )

    return false;

    include_once( TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/optionsbar.php’ );


    function bp_is_directory() {

    global $bp;

    return $bp->is_directory;


    This all looks right to me. I don’t understand why this is not hiding the optionbar and userbar on the directory pages for member, group and blog pages?

    I’ve been staring at this until I’m blue in the face. Does anyone have any ideas on why the optionbar and userbar are not hidden on these pages?

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  • @saraswati11


    Hey Mark,

    I wasn’t able to figure out what was causing this, please let me know if you figure out.

    Best, Chris



    Hi everyone.

    Priority 5 :

    1. bp_core_directory_members()

    2. bp_core_search_site()

    3. bp_blogs_directory_blogs_setup()

    4. groups_directory_groups_setup()

    That’s a partial dump of the hooks that run for the action ‘wp’.

    All those fns get triggered on each page load. The purpose of all of them is to detect if a directory is being viewed or the search fn is being run.

    Let’s just look at the members directory and it’s fn bp_core_directory_members() in bp-core.php

    In that fn is the line:

    if ( !is_home() &amp;&amp; is_null( $bp->displayed_user->id ) &amp;&amp;
    $bp->current_component == $bp->default_component ) {

    That’s what bp uses to determine if the member’s directory is running. Underneath that line is $bp->is_directory = true which shuts down the option and user bars. Either that line is failing, your theme isn’t triggering this fn or something is setting $bp->is_directory to false again.

    This works just fine in the default themes with 1.0 and wpmu 2.7.1.



    Hi Burt,

    Yes this works in the default bp-theme that comes with BP 1.0 but I do not think it’s been fixed in the skeleton theme yet. :(



    How would I update a pre 1.0 theme?



    just commented on same issue on another thread…

    … does anyone have fix for this in the skeleton theme?





    The case that I still haven’t found a solution for is when using a theme built for a pre 1.0 version, the code you mention in the post you refer to is present but the respective bars still show up.




    You may need to update your themes to be consistent with the the default BuddyPress Themes that come with v1.0.1.



    Hey, i’m still holding out for some help with what exactly needs to be updated in the themes for the newer versions of buddy press.

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