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Pagination not working on member profile tipcs/replies/engagements lists

  • @phy9pas


    I’ve set up a fresh install of the latest wordpress, bbpress and buddypress:
    WordPress 5.8.1
    bbpress 2.6.6
    BuddyPress 9.1.1

    If I view my own user profile, the pagination of the topics, replies, engagements etc works as expected e.g.

    However if I view another user’s profile
    When I click on page 2 of the pagination in any of these sections it take me to the wrong url:

    You can see it’s missing out the “/forums/engagements/” part of the url.

    I have tried flushing permalinks. This is using the deafult twentytwentyone theme with no other plugins installed.

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  • @zee300


    Hi there – did you get a solution to this? I have the exact same issue on my site…



    I’ve just updated my core and plugins to
    WP 5.8.2
    bbPress 2.6.9
    BuddyPress 9.1.1

    and I can confirm the issue is still there 🙁

    I’ve not managed to find any workaround yet either I’m afraid.



    I have the latest of everything installed, and it’s still broken. Yes, the url is not formed correctly on any page greater than page one.

    I hope this gets resolved soon.

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