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Persistent wp_enqueue_script – jQuery

  • @r-a-y


    Hi gang,

    I’m using the current jQuery library in my header and am thus trying to get rid of the default jQuery 1.2.6 library being used in BP.

    I have commented out the following line from the bp_core_add_js() function in bp-core-cssjs.php (yeah I know editing core file = bad, but anyway!):

    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );

    However, I still see jQuery 1.2.6 being listed in my HTML source.

    Does anyone else get the same problem?

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  • @12thharmonic


    I’ve been having a problem with this for months. Killing many ajax functions on my site. Menus are impacted in a very bad way. I am pulling my hair out looking for a resolution.

    Firebug shows three errors.

    $ is not a function

    [Break on this error] $(function() {

    headonra… (line 1290)

    $ is not a function

    [Break on this error] $(document).ready(function(){

    headonra… (line 1271)

    jQuery(“div#members-list-options a”).livequery is not a function

    [Break on this error] function() {

    There are a number of threads discussing similar issues. jquery version clashes. None have been of any help aside from confirming I’m not alone.



    Thaks Mate! I will be having a go at it shortly.



    Simple just add to your functions.php in your main theme:

    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'my_deregister_javascript', 100 );

    function my_deregister_javascript() {
    wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );

    No more jquery!



    Thanks @mydesignbytes. Just what I was looking for!

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