So no comments means that it is bad I guess.
Time to move on.
It looks fine and is usable.
I like the stripped down listings on pages like ‘members’
But the only opinions that count are those of your users.
Hi @peter-hamilton
I quite like this design. It manages to fit lots of information on the page without looking cluttered. The colour scheme you’ve used is quite subtle making for easy reading. I’ve noticed you’ve opted for a fluid layout. One slight issue with that is when you’re viewing on devices such as mobiles. Perhaps a responsive layout would work better?
Ahh, thanks for the response guys.
I agree, the members opinion counts most in regards to layout/usability, I have a few members now helping me out finding the bugs.
As soon as the layout is completed i will start the @media queries to make the site responsive.
Thanks again.
Peter Hamilton
A few images of my latest updates to BBFacelook, did not have much time last few weeks so progress is slow.
In the meantime slowly getting more members to test the forums functionality.
This is the new profile page now the default page when clicking a member’s link or avatar.

forum list is a little updated most important function is the topic title in the freshness column.

I have quite a few plugins installed, and some even hardcoded into my theme to lighten the code as much as possible.
Current plugins are:
. Invite anyone
. BBPress like button
. Buddypress activity plus
. easy sign-up
. GD BBpress attachements
. wp post filter
. bbpress
. buddypress
Plugins that I have hardcoded are:
. Background For User Profile
. BuddyPress Group Customizer Lite
. TinyMCE
As soon as I have more work done I will make another update here.
Overall I like the way it looks. There are however a view things that stand out: When resizing the window you get overlays and the menu start the look weird. The category archives look a bit untidy with the tag spacing and amount of non content space. On protected pages the sidebar under the login aligns to the left.
I really like the group and profile banner but the little sidebar looks a bit weird when logged out imo, perhaps there is more info when logged in?
The sidebar also looks weird on private groups in chrome:
Overal looking great tho, nice example of how much you can do with theming BP.
Hi durkk
Those points are exactly what I am working on now.
Up until last night I had no membership plugin installed so now working on styling the pages involved and figuring out how to make seperate non-member redirects.
This makes the sidebar on those pages look weird at the moment.
Groups pages are missing one div class, will do that after breakfast and this post.
As soon as I am finished with the layout for the bigger screen I will add @media queries for mobile and tablets.
Category archives are more difficult and I am trying to make page templates for separate search/archives, but I am not great with coding and only know css, I am dependent on copy/paste and analyzing php to make minor adjustments.
If you want to see more you can use my temporary login
username: demo
password: demo
At the moment there are about a dozen members (beta testers) helping me out finding the bugs, bless their souls, I am lucky that they have the patience for my slow progress.
Thanks for having a look and I will post here when these topics are solved.
Rolling a fatty and will have a browse mate with the demo account 😉
One minor thing: you could use a plugin to hide the register menu item to logged in users.
Overall great work if this was hacked by copy pastes :D!