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customize the buddypress admin bar

  • Derek Melo


    Hey Guys!

    I’ve got a big issue, that’s giving me a big headache…

    I really really need to customize the buddypress admin bar, but I’m really new with php codes, and I need some help, ’cause I need my buddypress project running this week, and I’m not getting to customize the buddybar…

    The customizations I want to do is for let the admin bar like Facebook/G+. So I studied this two bars to have some idea of a new admin bar, so my idea is like that:

    I really like WP 3.3 admin bar, but I need to modify some features, like the WP logo and the dropdown menu of this tab, I have some idea of how to modify this part, I want to put another logo in place of WP logo and change all the dropdown menu of this tab to “Privacy Politics” of my social network and another things, I think this is the most easy part, ’cause I need modifications like that (imagine the admin bar):

    littlelogo | mylogo | wp-actualization-logo | Central Search Bar | blank space | My acount
    dropdown I want this logo to With buddypress with a
    with privacy show buddypress search options to bigger
    politic info. user’s notifications search members, user’s
    Groups, Foruns… avatar.

    And for last, I need to increase the height of the admin bar.

    Is it possible?

    Thanks guys!

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  • John James Jacoby


    Anything is possible, but if you’re not able to make (or learn how to make) these changes yourself then it’s time to hire someone to do it for you.

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