You know we could use such a “dependencies” plugin for any or all plugins. Should be too hard to code for someone who understands the automatic update functionality
Plugin dependancies is a WordPress-level issue, and well-written BuddyPress plugins can silently quit if they find BuddyPress is available.
It’s not up to WordPress to deal with this, it’s up to plugin developers to write their plugins so they don’t die if BuddyPress is not present. I’ve put the code all over the codex for this:
I disagree. Yes plugin authors SHOULD do that, but WordPress plugins should be able to declare a parent plugin that must be active. That way, when BuddyPress is deactivated, my Welcome Pack plugin is deactivated automatically. It also protects against plugin authors who do not know how to do this properly; either through lack of PHP experience or ignorance. There’s a whole range of WordPress plugins out there, and some are really well written, and some are really poorly written.
I think this a great idea for the wordpress track ~ I’m with @djpaul.. WordPress plugins should be able to declare a parent plug. I can declare that a piece of javascript has dependencies, or a theme, but not a plugin.. Are some of the more robust plugins (ecommerce, nextgen, etc) with sub plugins handling this? Someone should file an enhancement ticket.. this is very logical and would increase interest in child plugs, like those for BuddyPress.