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Plugin development

  • Hi all.

    Only a small question about plugin development in BuddyPress. How is it possible to show content using a header navigation.

    As far as I understand you register a slug and then associate a screen function to the slug?

    function bp_new_header_nav_setup() {

    global $bp;

    $blog_id = $bp->new->options['blog_id'];

    $url = get_blog_option( $blog_id, 'siteurl' );

    $selected = ( bp_is_page( BP_NEW_SLUG ) ) ? ' class="selected"' : '';

    $title = __( 'New', 'New' );

    echo sprintf('<li%s>%s', $selected, get_option('home'), BP_NEW_SLUG, $title, $title );

    $result = bp_core_new_nav_item( array( 'name' => __('New', 'buddypress'),

    'slug' => BP_NEW_SLUG,

    'position' => 50,

    'screen_function' => 'new_screen' ) );

    do_action( 'bp_addwebcam_header_nav_setup' );


    add_action( 'bp_nav_items', 'bp_addwebcam_header_nav_setup', 99);


    So that is my code and as far as I can see the function bp_core_new_nav_item() returns false. So this seems wrong and as a result I only got: Page not found messages.

    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • Ohh dear my fault I think I am in the wrong category – to avoid double posts – is it possible to move this to the development category?

    Thanks a lot,




    Hey Sascha,

    I just came across your post and it looks like you are doing what I need to start my BuddyPress development. I realyl would like a skeleton plugin, that does what you try to achieve. Did you resolve the problem? Can you maybe – please – share your code ?

    Thank you,


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