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Possible Bug: Group Avatar upload interface doesn't render

  • @kas2


    Is anyone else having issues with the upload interface for the group avatars not rendering?

    Once a group is created, going to Admin -> Group Avatar within the group is fully functional. This is just on group creation.

    20% of the time, after completing step two of the group creation process, I get the following error:

    There was an error saving group details. Please try again.

    I once got it on step two itself, and I once got it on the avatar page with the avatar function underneath.

    Within the code on the page itself, I get this (with no rendered form)…

    <div id="content"><br />
    <h2>Create a Group <span>— Group Avatar</span></h2><br />
    <br />
    <form action="" method="post" id="create-group-form" class="standard-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Group creation step 1: Basic group details --><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Group creation step 2: Group settings --><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Group creation step 3: Avatar Uploads --><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Group creation step 4: Invite friends to group --><br />
    <br />
    <div class="submit" id="previous-next"><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Previous Button --><br />
    <input type="button" value="← Previous Step" id="group-creation-previous" name="previous" onclick="location.href=''" /><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Next Button --><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Next Step →" id="group-creation-next" name="save" /><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Create Button --><br />
    <br />
    <!-- Finish Button --><br />

    If I just ignore and click “Next Step,” I get the following:

    Are you sure you want to do this?

    Please try again.

    Any thoughts on what this could be? I searched around, but is anyone else having this issue?

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  • @kas2


    Here’s a screenshot of the problem to help better illustrate it…



    Just a quick update after further investigation, in hopes that it will help someone help me.

    In checking out the db in phpmyadmin, I get this. I’m not sure whether the empty value assigned to 48 rows is relevant, but I’m passing it along…

    SQL result


    Database: domain_wpmu

    Generation Time: Oct 05, 2009 at 10:52 AM

    Generated by: phpMyAdmin / MySQL 5.0.67-userstats-log

    SQL query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS Rows, avatar_thumb FROM wp_bp_groups GROUP BY avatar_thumb ORDER BY avatar_thumb LIMIT 0, 30 ;

    Rows: 3

    Rows avatar_thumb




    Additionally, when veiwing the group avatar directory on the FTP, there are clear directories created based on the group ID. The avatars are placed within, and the file name is appended with some BP info.

    However, on the last group I was able to upload an avatar for, there is no directory, and the raw file sits in /wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/group-avatars. This is the only file like this — I can create new users and the process for avatars works fine, and it appears that they’re placed in their proper directories. Groups are broken, and that process didn’t seem to work properly for the last one with an avatar.

    Any ideas? I wondered if this was a file permission error for something like bp-groups.php, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.



    Updating this again with more info in hopes that someone can help out. I think I’ve pinpointed where, in the creation of the group, this is failing. And I’ve found the database issue behind it. The problem is that I don’t know what code is causing it or why, and even if I did, I’d have no idea how to fix it. So, here’s what’s happening.

    From the very beginning of the group creation process…

    1. Click on “Create a group” and get the first page. No problem there. The URL is /members/admin/groups/create/step/group-details.

    2. Fill out the info, click “Create group and continue”

    3. The group appears in the database with everything correct. The table is wp_bp_groups. The date_created on the group is listed as “2009-10-07 14:36:54” The ID is 62. Everything is filled aside from avatar_thumb, avatar_full, news (I didn’t fill in the box in step 1), and status.

    4. On the next page, I check the appropriate boxes and click “Next Step”. The next page is /members/admin/groups/create/step/group-settings

    5. At this point, in the DB, another group, ID 63, appears. Name, slug, and description are all missing, status is now “public” (it’s what I chose). The date_created reads “1969-12-31 16:00:00”

    6. The avatar upload functionality fails to load. That page is /members/admin/groups/create/step/group-avatar

    This was happening on 1.1, I just updated to 1.1.1 and it’s still happening. Does anyone have any clue where this could be coming from? It seems as if it’s storing step one, forgetting the ID, then creating a second group without the info from step 1.



    I don’t have enough time to read through this right now, but I will later today or in the morning.



    thanks for taking the time. If you need any more detail or need me to replicate some other way, just let me know.




    over here i encountered this problem too.

    I am using wpmu 2.8.4 with Buddypress 1.1.1 and an BBPress Forum (not the integrated version, cause i want to use it as standard forum too).

    So since i changed from the old “Two-Theme” system to the new one where the member theme is inside my wp-maintheme, i have this Problem and cant get rid of it.

    Step 1:

    Everything is in DB and seems correct

    Step 2:

    after clicking “Next Step” there is another group created without base data but with status.

    There is no new groupforum created.

    Step 3:

    Sometimes i get here and if so i have a correct group(or so it seems in database), but after choosing the avatar i get another error saying “try again”.

    Step 4:

    Long time no see ^^ I have not seen this step since i changed the theme -.-

    Hopefully someone will find out what causes this error :(



    Hi everyone,

    i have finally resolved the problem for me.

    The Bad Boy was thickbox, and a wrong url to its loadinganimation.gif. This caused the site to reload and so destroyed the needed infos for groupcreation because of a second run through the function.

    Hopefully this helps other ppl too :)



    @kas2 – can you try this on your install without running any plugins other than BuddyPress?




    First of all, thank you for trying to help out. I didn’t mean to abandon my own issue when everyone stepped up to help, but I was wildly distracted and just found time to work on this some more.

    Long story short: Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin breaks BuddyPress groups. I just spent two hours going through everything, and it’s absolutely, undoubtedly AWPCP.

    The odd thing is that I had it installed before this issue was happening. I even upgraded tonight, thinking it was nothing. I deactivated every BP plugin I was using weeks ago — groups, welcome pack, auto-join-groups, external-group-blogs, achievements — thinking they were the most likely culprits. I re-installed them tonight, then de-activated all of them again in case something was corrupted or went bad. Nothing changed.

    Based on DJPaul’s advice, I went for both cforms and AWPCP out of sheer desperation. I’ve tested it 100 times now, and as it turns out, AWPCP breaks the avatar upload functionality.

    It’s worth noting that I don’t know why. I even tested the events avatar functionality, and it worked just fine.

    I googled this before I posted, and I haven’t seen any other mention of this conflict, so I’m posting this here in hopes that it may help someone else. I currently have version installed, but like I said, I just upgraded tonight, so the previous version was an issue too. Older versions may well not cause a conflict.

    Anyway, thank you all again for your help on this and your work with BP.



    I don’t have AWPCP (but do actually want it once the basics are sorted) and I have the same problems as above,

    It nmanifests itself in the incomplete avatar display and the non-functioning crop tool. It also hides the skip avatar step button so that ANY group creation gets stuck in the step 3 avatar upload screen and cannot progress.

    BP 1.1.2 on WPMU 2.8.4a no BP plugins and only Akismet and Blog Defaults plugins on WPMU



    Not sure if this is a clue to the issue, but using FireBug to check the create avatar page css and html shows up a few things that I think are contributory …

    <div style="width: 82px; height: 16px; position: relative; background-color: black;" class="jcrop-holder">

    <div style="position: absolute; z-index: 300; width: 2px; height: 2px; top: 14px; left: 79px; display: block;">

    <div style="overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 310; position: absolute;">

    <img src="" style="position: absolute; width: 82px; height: 16px; top: -14px; left: -79px;"/>

    <div style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.4; top: 0px;" class="jcrop-hline"/>

    <div style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.4; top: 1px;" class="jcrop-hline"/>

    <div style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.4;" class="jcrop-vline"/>

    <div style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.4; left: 1px;" class="jcrop-vline"/>

    <div class="jcrop-tracker" style="cursor: move; position: absolute; z-index: 360;"/>


    <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 320; display: block;"

    <div style="cursor: n-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 370; width: 100%; height: 9px; top: -4px; left: -4px;"/>

    <div style="cursor: s-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 371; width: 100%; height: 9px; top: -3px; left: -4px;"/>

    <div style="cursor: e-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 372; width: 9px; height: 100%; top: -4px; left: -3px;"/>

    <div style="cursor: w-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 373; width: 9px; height: 100%; top: -4px; left: -4px;"/>

    <div style="cursor: n-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 374; top: -4px; left: -4px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: s-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 375; top: -3px; left: -4px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: e-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 376; top: -4px; left: -3px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: w-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 377; top: -4px; left: -4px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: sw-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 378; top: -3px; left: -4px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: nw-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 379; top: -4px; left: -4px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: ne-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 380; top: -4px; left: -3px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>

    <div style="cursor: se-resize; position: absolute; z-index: 381; top: -3px; left: -3px; opacity: 0.5;" class="jcrop-handle"/>



    <div class="jcrop-tracker" style="width: 98px; height: 32px; position: absolute; top: -8px; left: -8px; z-index: 290; cursor: crosshair;"/>

    <div style="overflow: hidden; position: absolute;">

    <input type="radio" style="position: absolute; left: -30px; display: none;"/>


    <img alt="Avatar to crop" class="avatar" src="" style="position: absolute; width: 82px; height: 16px; opacity: 0.6;"/>


    First thing that hit me is that there are an awful lot of unescaped <div>’s in there

    Second thing that hit me was that it’s taking an uploaded image of 150px x 150px and only giving it 82px x 16px to display itself – add that to the “overflow:hidden” css command, and there’s no way the whole avatar is going to be allowed to display.

    This looks to me like the avatar cropper is incomplete – both it’s code (php or js files) and its css file seem to be missing chunks of code – but then I’m no expert.

    What do other people think?



    Found similar issues on the osCommerce forums related to javascript uploaders for images, and in the forums for the WP media Library’s flash uploader since v2.5

    Although I’m not tech enough to solve this issue, it does absolutely appear to be related to the javascript cropper for uploaded images ….. AND NOTHING ABOVE HAS FIXED IT FOR ME

    Please don’t trot out the “start your own thread” instruction – there is too much of the above posts that are pertinent and the problem is not resolved.

    …. or do you want the same situation as the forums that have hundreds of report threads about this error? None of them resolved other than to point at the WP plugin to use the “no flash uploader” plugin.





    I get the same error and I do not have any plugins as AWPCP …

    I think it’s some as the owner of the User FTP when the file is saved on servers. When I send an Avatar while I create the group, I get the error:

    Are you sure you want to do this?

    Please try again.

    and FTP images are recorded without the owner’s folder avatar group …

    I update the page with F5 at this stage yet, and I get the same error, but the image was sent, but the next step of the invites do not access…

    Sorry for my English… Google Translator…



    Same issue here.

    No other plugin installed except buddypress.

    The errors i get are the same as Marcelo Vetter describes



    I encountered the same issue. Marked the problem down to thickbox.js which comes bundled with wordpress.

    I’m afraid but i don’t have a solution for this annoying problem, but i wrote a trac ticket that you can find here:



    For those of you using Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin it’s quite possible there is a conflict with the thickbox.js reference. I am revising the method used by the plugin to insert the thickbox code in the header. I believe that might be the cause of the conflict as it relates to AWPCP. I have not verified this yet. Have sent a modified test file to the user who reported this thread to me and awaiting his report on whether the changes do in fact fix his problem. Will update once that information is provided.

    If you want to test for yourself in the meantime you can find and completely remove this function at around line 144 in awpcp.php

    function awpcp_insert_thickbox() {

    global $siteurl,$wpinc;

    echo “n”.’

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”‘.$siteurl.’/’.$wpinc.’/js/thickbox/thickbox.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />

    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    var tb_pathToImage = “‘.$siteurl.’/’.$wpinc.’/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif”;

    var tb_closeImage = “‘.$siteurl.’/’.$wpinc.’/js/thickbox/tb-close.png”;




    Update: you will also need to remove the line

    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘awpcp_insert_thickbox’, 10);

    (you’ll find it around line 167)



    First reports back from tester: above recommendations did not fix problem, so will continue to check to see how awpcp might be contributing to this problem for the people using the plugin and will update when more info is available.



    It’s very possible there is a JS conflict between plugins, but it’s less likely there is a conflict in the core WordPress files (though not impossible.)

    Since the cropper tool relies on JavaScript entirely to function, it will fail without any real degradation if there’s a JS error or the user has JavaScript disabled. The first scenario is more likely to upset people, as if someone specifically has disabled JavsScript in their browser, they’re probably used to getting jipped on their web experience. :D

    I’m going to link this topic to…

    …but I’m keeping it open for now, since it seems to be a little different than the above link.



    For anyone using Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin, the above recommendations for removing the function awpcp_insert_thickbox() and the line add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘awpcp_insert_thickbox’, 10); are on target. You just need to take one additional step of going to “Image Settings” in the classifieds options and turning off the thickbox/lightbox option. At least as far as Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin is concerned this is indeed a thickbox.js conflict.

    If you’re having the problem but not using AWPCP, one of your plugins might be using thickbox.js and calling it directly without using wp_enqueue_script. Or they could be using wp_enqueue_script but the placement in the page header still creates a conflict. This is just one possibility you might explore. There could be other causes.



    This is my savior, yes the tickbox in ACWP is the culprit. THANK YOU!!!



    I put a fix for this (and any other possible strange http request) in the 1.1 branch of code. While thickbox is the culprit this time, It’s possible there could be other culprits later. If you NEED to use thickbox and are comfortable using branch code, it’s in there for future versions.



    @JJJ: Thats great news – will this be also merged in trunk code? I couldn’t find it there yet.



    Yes it will eventually. The branch is for bug fixes to the current stable version, and the trunk is for new features and code changes. Andy goes through and merges the branch into the trunk as he adds things to it.



    I have the same issue here. WP 2.9.1 with BuddyPress 1.2.3. It worked in the beginning, but yesterday it just stopped working. I added a few plugins from the BuddyPress extensions list, but the avatar panel doesn’t load even when I disable them.

    Should I uninstall all of the BP extensions in order to check whether this is going to work again?

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