The activity post-form template carries a conditional check on that select elements to show it only if not ‘bp_is_my_profile’ so you could comment out/ remove that having first copied the template over to your theme as described in the BP Codex.
I am a newbie. So, this question.
I have identified that file and that line. So, editing the template file should not be a problem.
But, how do I copy the template over to my theme? I looked at the BP Codex but could not get any hint.
Could you please give a link to the specific codex area I should look at?
Here is an update. Got the BP Codex link after looking around a bit.
For reference, this is the link:
All I did was create a buddypress/activity folder in the theme I was using, copied the post-form.php over to that folder and edited it to meet my needs.
and that’s how it works 🙂 Theme compat is quite cool and pretty intuitive to use with hidden depths when required, all the articles are in the codex theme section – if you had a particular reason you found it hard to locate them let us know as we’re always interested in user experience with the codex.