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Privacy ?

  • @erich73


    looks like the talk about the Privacy-Plugin or Privacy-features within BP-Core-Code has diminished on this Forum.

    Is there no demand for Privacy-features in BP anymore ?

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  • @boonebgorges


    Erich73, you might want to follow along at Jeff’s website, where he’s been providing regular updates:



    yeah, but reading Jeffs posts carefully (and also reading between the lines), it looks like his work will not make it into core.

    According to the roadmap, this feature was planned for BP 1.2



    It’s true that the roadmap has changed a lot:

    There was some talk in the recent buddypress-dev meeting about creating a poll for future feature requests. When such a poll appears on the site, be sure to vote for privacy in the core if you think it’s important for it not to be located in a plugin.



    There was some talk in the recent buddypress-dev meeting about creating a poll for future feature requests. When such a poll appears on the site, be sure to vote for privacy in the core if you think it’s important for it not to be located in a plugin.

    Didn’t we do the exact same thing six months ago?

    Privacy is crucial imho. If access management is not core, what is? Social networks can’t function without privacy controls. Members won’t use it for anything serious if they can’t control whether their posts goes to their friends or out to the world.

    I hadn’t paid much attention to this issue because I assumed it was coming. With all due respect, the developers seem more interested in “new features” and cool coding challenges than straightforward usability and making sure the core is rock solid.



    I love BuddyPress and admire the great work of Andy, JJJ & teams, but a “Privacy-Feature” is much more important than some other cool stuff like “@mention” , etc.

    Thinking about single-WP-installs, I guess this will become troublesome without solid Privacy-Features.

    I am afraid of using BP 1.2 if there is no “Privacy-feature” build into it and most probably I will have to postpone my BP-website until this is implemented.



    If you need privacy then use Jeff’s plugin. It has great potential, but it’s not ready for 1.2 core.

    With all due respect, the developers seem more interested in “new features” and cool coding challenges than straightforward usability and making sure the core is rock solid.

    Adding “with all due respect” at the beginning of a sentence doesn’t stop you sounding like a troll. A considerable amount of time has been spent improving the core code and the usability of the default theme. If you’re following the trunk and the dev process (which I assume you aren’t based on your own assumptions) you’d already know this.




    I have been working on porting BP Links to 1.2 for the past few days and I am very impressed with the refactoring you have done. Especially dropping the redundant “the_site” template classes and tags. The filtering code is also now much cleaner and re-usable. The new theme is a dream to work with and I think will make it EASIER for developers to add new features via plugins and relieve some of the pressure on the core team to provide so many features.

    So what I have to say to people that are complaining about missing features in the core: Start writing code.



    There’s no need to worry about privacy features in BuddyPress. As I have stated previously on these forums and on my blog, I am committed to bringing my current Privacy Component up to code to work with BP 1.2. With the 1.2-beta coming out very soon, I plan to use that to finalize the new privacy codebase.

    As it has been discussed before, it will be up to the community to decide the fate of my BP privacy solution. If it is deemed sufficiently useful, valuable, and robust, it will be considered for eventual inclusion into the core.

    But, I’ll stress once more, that this is not my decision. Going forward, I fully expect some form of privacy to make it into core down the road—whether it is my code, part of my code, or new code.



    So what I have to say to people that are complaining about missing features in the core: Start writing code.

    This is like a car maker selling a car without brakes and telling the user he should manufacture them himself. I’m just a regular WordPress user giving feedback. I don’t get paid to write code. Andy does.




    If you are comparing an open source project to a car manufacturer then you don’t get it. Did you pay for BuddyPress? Andy is right, you sound like a troll. You should word your posts to sound more constructive and stop taking shots at the developers.

    There are many ways to contribute besides writing code. You can write documentation, help organize developers, write specs for plugins/features and put together a team of people to make it happen.



    If you are comparing an open source project to a car manufacturer then you don’t get it. Did you pay for BuddyPress?

    Automattic is a regular company. WP is supposedly aimed at content creators, not developers. If WP/WPMU/BP lacks certain key functionality that forces users to get into coding, it fails in its mission. As a user I’m free to point that out without having to pay tribute to the developers first. I didn’t pay for WP/BP, but don’t have any obligations towards Automattic either.

    @Erich73, I didn’t start turning this thread into an attack on me.




    please open your own thread to discuss the issues you are having.

    THIS thread is regarding Privacy-Features in BP ONLY.





    hi Peter

    We understand you pointing to the issues. There is no problem with that. It is a community project and Automattic and Andy is doing the good things for us. Automattic does not get funds for supporting wp+wpmu+bp(well Now they may get as WordPress foundation has been formed).

    Instead of criticizing, if we appreciate what they have done for us and politely ask for the features, I am sure, Andy is listening and will be glad to accomodate.

    Buddypress is one of the great project and see how much improvement has been in recent times. Please do not take the things personal, and let us keep the community constructive, It will be better for all of us.

    Hope you don’t mind my words. Yes, currently Bp is more developer friendly than the end user, but with time, It has improved so much and you may expect it to be much more end user friendly by bp 1.3(my guess)

    Please let us keep it constructive.

    @all, Please keep this thread free from personal attacks before DjPaul sees this thread :)



    @Brajesh, thank you for reminding people to behave in a civil manner. If people want to debate (in a civil fashion), it is best done by starting another thread.

    Also, as Erich73 states above, let’s keep this thread on topic. Although many of the off-topic posts in this thread are perfectly civil, debate-style discussion, they do not help further the OT (original topic).



    Speaking of trolls… an ignore plugin for bbPress would be a good thing to have. I found one… but it’s quite old (last update in 2007).



    OK, to bring the thread back to the original subject, in the current version of my site I use Burt Adsit’s solution for the most immediate privacy problem, making members sections members-only:

    function js_restrict_access(){
    global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;

    if (!is_user_logged_in() &&
    (BP_MEMBERS_SLUG == $bp_unfiltered_uri[0] ||
    BP_GROUPS_SLUG == $bp->current_component ||
    BP_BLOGS_SLUG == $bp->current_component)){

    bp_core_redirect( get_option('home') . "/register" );

    add_action( 'wp', 'js_restrict_access', 3 );

    Put that in bp-custom.php and it works pretty painlessly. It doesn’t have a built-in message to let the user know why he’s being redirected though.

    Haven’t tried Jeff Sayre solution yet, but apparently it has some problems. I’ll try that one in my next upgrade to BP 1.2 and WP 3.0.

    Also commercial membership plugins apparently have built-in privacy features, so that could be a solution. Haven’t gotten that far yet…



    I agree that privacy is a prime concern, but I think by using plugins that work to your needs is a better approach then making everything core..

    To use your analogy, WordPress is an Engine in a car.. Tested to be working 100% and made sure everything is perfect…

    BuddyPress is an aftermarket Turbo that a bunch of guys got working on that engine..

    It’s awesome, we all want it, but its not going to be totally perfect out the gate, and in the end may make your engine blow up..

    Over Time I see privacy, images, user levels, events, projects, etc. becoming core but for now the idea is a stable base we can add on to..

    If anyone ever used WP 1+ the switch to 2+ was NUTS and then 2.5+ OMG..

    So much of what was a “Plugin” became core, and now look at 2.9 All those image plugins, thumbnail plugins, ETC went out the window when the core worked that functionality in.

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