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Private Groups and Forum

  • Trekkiemelissa


    Okay, I looked around the forum to see if I could find the answer first, but I could not find it.

    I am running Wpmu 2.8.4a, BBpress 1.0, and Buddypress 1.1

    I have groups set up. The public ones work fine, but when I try to create a topic for the private ones, I get an error. I suspect the same thing would happen in hidden ones too. The error says that there is an error creating topics. I look in my database and it shows that the topics are created, but there is no topic in the groups. Is it that we can’t create forums for the private and probably hidden ones?

    Is there something I can to fix this problem or am I stuck to just creating public groups if I want forum topics to show up?

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  • madloki


    Same problem, can not create new topics :-(( Or, he creates the topics but listen only when the group has right 1, private and invisible doesn´t show the topic in the forum directory. Please fix this fast! Many thanks ;)

    I will debug this. Only forum posts on public groups will show on the directory.



    Thank you.

    That does not bother me if it does not show up on the directory. If there is a way, if you have the right permissions, it would show up in the directory, but it is not necessary.



    Posted this under ticket

    Thanks andy, is there any timeline for the bug?

    madloki, he’s just released a major new version of BuddyPress 2/3 days ago. Any further release – unless there’s a genuine critical bug found, and this isn’t one – I expect will be quite a few weeks at the very least.

    Obviously a trunk code fix will happen as soon as Andy or someone else contributes a fix.

    Ya. I’m amazed you guys are even still on the forum. LOL. You should be out celebrating and/or taking a week off.



    @djpaul: I know, I know…sorry :-( I would start my page with an invisible group for beta testers this week, and exactly this feature doesnt work ^^



    probably I do not understand this discussion, but I would think that “private” and “hidden” Forum-topics shoud NOT show-up within the public “Forum Topic Directory” !

    Please clarify.



    Erich, I’m guessing that private and hidden topics will be shown to the logged-in user if they have permission to view them, otherwise just public topics will be shown.

    Private and hidden forum posts do not show up in the forums directory regardless of your logged in state. This will probably change in the future but there was not enough time for 1.1.

    There is a bug that will not allow you to post on private and hidden group forums in 1.1, this is fixed in trunk and will be in 1.1.1 which will be out soon.



    “Private and hidden forum posts do not show up in the forums directory regardless of your logged in state. This will probably change in the future but there was not enough time for 1.1.”


    why do you want to change this in the future ? I do not see a logic in making Private and Hidden Forum-posts showing-up in publicly visible “Forum Topic Directory”.

    If it does, then “Private-Groups” are not private anymore……



    @ Erich:

    Just mind reading Andy.. but I’m guessing you have to be logged in as well as a member to see the latest “hidden” topics.

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