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Private messages isn’t working

  • @slowspeed


    I’m building a website in wordpress using the wplms theme which is using the buddypress plugin (and several more).

    In the website I see there’s an option to send personal messages to the other users but for some reason when I do that I always get an error that the message couldn’t been sent.

    Are there any configurations I need to do in order for that to work?
    Or is it actually another plugin and the original BuddyPress plugin doesn’t have this feature?

    Also if possible, how can I change the error text? I would like it to be translated to spanish in the website..

    Website is
    I’m using wordpress 4.4.2
    BuddyPress 2.5.1

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  • @sharmavishal


    your site takes 2 much time to load firstly…try using twentyfifteen default theme and disable all other plugins to confirm this pvt message issue



    The thing is that I don’t know which plugin does the private messages..
    Is it BuddyPress?

    Also what does it matter how long it takes to load? Is it connected to the private messages?



    try using twentyfifteen default theme and activate only buddypress plugin…disable all other plugins and check if it fact it should work…and as you are using a custom wplms theme get in touch with the theme author for theme related issues..this is not a buddypress issue



    Ok, I tried what you said
    I changed the theme and enabled just the buddypress plugin and still I can’t send any messages..
    It only works if I send a global message to all users with admin (but still no one recieve it) but if I try to send to a specific user it doesn’t work




    I have the same problem. Strangly enough i used to be able to private message anyone but now it doesnlt work. That is that i can not select a user. I can type a name with our without the @ sign but nothing happens. Any Ideas @sharmavishal?

    Hope you can help me. Website is



    am not sure why this is happening..doesnt happen with me..checked right now…maybe the mods can help you out on this



    Private message

    A user must have friends to send private messages or visit the profile of another user to send him a msg.


    To get it to work, you need also to enable following options in BP settings:
    – Friend Connections
    – Private messaging
    Additionnally, if you want to be notified by email
    – Notifications

    Whatever the option you activate, best practice is to control how it works on your config. To do that, use only WP, BP and one of Twenty’s theme before activating a third party theme and any other plugin.
    This will ensure you that BP is fully working on a standart WP config.


    @mention use AJAX which can in some case, mostly with sophisticated themes or frameworks, lead to conflict. In that case, the culprit isn’t BP or WP, but the theme or a plugin whose code (generally) use a different standart as WP.

    If you get issues with mention or messaging, activate wp_debug in wp-config and check your browser JS console to track down errors. The one or the other can give you precious debug information. You can also use a debug tool like Firebug.



    Hi @Danbp,

    Sorry for the double post. Was to quick with posting. ANd thanks for the help so far.
    I have all the options enabled like they should be. And it was working untill not long ago.

    I just checked the message page of my profile with JavaScript Console and i there is an error.
    See the it here:

    I am not a programmer so I don’t understand but you where taling about Ajax and apparently that is not working. You have any thoughts on this?

    Kind regards,




    out of the box, i have no idea. Something is apparently called to early. It’s difficult to say “what”. Have you tested with a Twenty theme ?
    Maybe check also all your js file version, ensure also the’re unique. If you find two with diff. version #, remove the oldest…

    Search also on forum for missing @mention or @mention not working….

    That’s even debuging… you have to search long and hard. 😉



    Sjoerd – I think your issue should be fixed in BuddyPress 2.6.

    BuddyPress 2.6 is going to be released next week, so if you can wait until then that would be great.

    Or, you can test our release candidate version here:

    BuddyPress 2.6.0 Release Candidate 1 now available for testing



    danbp is right…i tested @mentions on kleo/boss themes and didnt work….it worked on 2016 wp theme



    Just to make sure I understand. Is it a theme problem of will it be solved in the next update of Buddypress @sharmavishal, @r-a-y and @danbp? Cause there are some other issues with ajax in this theme as well.

    I am in no hurrie so if it will be solved next week that would save me a lot of searching and debugging 😉

    Thanks for all the help!



    @sjoerdlagraauw as r-a-y mentions test this version of bp

    BuddyPress 2.6.0 Release Candidate 1 now available for testing

    regarding @mention as danbp suggested its not a bp issue. i checked this myself. its working in default 2016 theme of wp. but NOT working for other paid themes i have.

    mostly paid themes or custom themes use their own jss/css stuff in their own custom manner which creates an issue.

    if you got jss/css issues best of be asked at the custom themes support



    Thanks @sharmavishal

    I think i’m gonna wait for the update release. THe @mentions work on the activity feed so it’s just the private message error. I hope that will solve it. If not i will have to start searching again 🙂

    Again thanks for all the help!



    better the test the rc1 bp 2.6.o as r-a-y would fix ur pvt messages issue…test it out and update this thread…if its still not fixed the mods can have a look at it into more details



    well.. i haven’t updatet Buddypress nor have I installed the beta version. But somehow the problem is solved. I had a problem with MyCred as well and they mentioned something about the plugin “user role editor”. Somehow it (or i did by mistake) change the admin role. So maybe this had something to do with the private message issue as well?

    If not it was a theme issue because we did receive a update from the theme.

    Anyway. thank you all for helping me with this problem

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