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Private Messaging 'Page Not Found' issue

  • @kateleedotinfo


    Hello all – first of all a huge thanks to the BuddyPress team for building this great and powerful plugin.

    I’m working on a site where we are using BuddyPress for social/community functions. We are having an issue with the Private Messaging function – when I try to access messaging (via the /members/username/messages URL) I get a ‘Page Not Found’ error.

    We are running WP 4.0 and BP 2.1.1, using a customized theme based off the Fullby theme.
    I’ve verified that ‘Private Messaging’ is checked in the BuddyPress Components Settings.

    What I’ve tried so far:
    Switched to both twentyfourteen and bp-default themes.
    Deactivated all plugins except BP.
    Re-uploaded BP 2.1.1 via FTP.

    None of this solved the issue.

    Has anyone experienced this before or have advice on further troubleshooting? Am I missing something basic? Thanks for any advice!

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @kateleedotinfo

    The only thing I can think of is you don’t have permissions to view the message thread. Can you verify that you’re logged-in and you’re one of the message participants? If you’re not authorised to view the thread then I think you’ll see a 404.



    @kateleedotinfo – not sure this is your issue or not, but it seems about every third update of rtMedia plugin I do causes most static pages to be 404 not found – and the fix is to (first make a note of what your permalinks settings are) – change permalinks settings, save.. then change permanlinks back to what you had and save again.

    Just had this issue again on one of my sites..



    @henrywright – I am logged in, and what I am trying to do is view my own inbox or compose a new message (not view a pre-existing thread). The permissions thing makes sense, though, maybe I’ll try exploring that road…



    I found the problem!!

    For future users who might experience something like this:

    I had modified the default members navigation options using bp_core_remove_nav_item(). One of the nav items I removed was messaging. I suppose removing the nav item somehow breaks the whole function. I had encountered a similar problem when I removed the ‘profile’ tab – it broke everything! Does anyone have any comments on ways to remove the nav options without breaking things? As of now, I’m using CSS display:none to hide the profile and messaging tabs.



    Thanks for the update @kateleedotinfo.

    Hiding tabs via CSS isn’t the best way to do it as I’m sure you’ll know. If you find a better solution then let us know 🙂

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