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Problem with adminbar avatar

  • @hscottda


    I am having a big problem with my admin bar, in the left menu where it says “Howdy, ….”. The avatar is showing up in an big size and it does not use the buddypress avatar.

    I am using wp 3.3 and the latest buddypress trunk. The problem showed up, before updating to the trunk. It is working correctly on the main page, but on all blogs, and all admin pages, it is not working.

    Any solutions to this one?

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  • @mercime


    Yes, this is an issue, see patch here



    Thank you very much for the reply! Got the problem solved by following the 19539.diff. Thanks!



    Another thing, do anyone know how to get the buddypress avatar to show up in backend too? Not only front end? Since in the dashboard, it is just the default wordpress avatar. Maby also the gravatar will show up there if the user is registered at gravatar (haven’t tested yet). But anyway, I would like to display the buddypress avatar here. Possible?



    Hey what’s that kind of admin bar? Is it a plugin? :D can where can I download it my admin bar is ugly.



    @hscottda @justin-2-2-2 full integration of BP buddybar with WP adminbar aka Toolbar is set up already in BP trunk version. This may come out sometime BP 1.6 if not sooner.



    @mercime Hu? what what? :D I dont understand it :P please again?



    justin bean, what is the link of your site? I can help you get the lates trunk and adminbar and so set up at your site. If you have skype, search for Herman Scott-Dahl and add me, so can I explain more.



    Hey herman scott Thanks! but yea the problem is my english sucks (still learning) so my english is not good enough so that sucks :D but can explain to me how I can install the trunk (what ever that is :P) and how to get the new Admin bar for my website because the current one sucks.
    Thanks! Btw my website is



    Unless you are an advanced user, who is able to figure out why things break when they break (this does not mean asking on the forum for support), do not install trunk.



    I agree there @DJPaul.
    Justin, the trunk is what you can call a beta lunch of the new version, who contains many bugs. And if you don’t know how to fix small bugs, you will have a lot of errors on your site, and so your users. So my recommendation to you, is to wait for the new release of buddypress.



    Hey Scott I think you are right but yea in the mean time I need some help! (I know this is not the right place to ask but ok) look at this:
    it”s wel dead 0.0 im using the source by elegant themes, does anybody know how this fix this? I really need some help :D it’s a Cubepoints error thingy

    If the link doesn’t work go like this: on the homepage click on “clan leden” (right at the top) click on justin bean –> points, and see for yourself

    Thank Justin.



    Hmm. Looks like some coding in the cubepoints plugin that’s not working very well with your theme. I will PM you after christmas eve (between 26-30 December), and then I can take a look at it, and try help you with this one.



    Oke thank you Scott! BTW to everybody here merry Xmas :D



    Same to you justin bean :-)



    Yes, Merry Christmas :)

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