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problem with mentions–admin

  • @veelow


    Running up-to-date WP with BP 3.1, no bbpress. I have a site with 30 users, all “contributors” except two who are both “admin” and “keymaster.”

    Username @-mentions work fine for the 28: Username=AliceBaker corresponds to @alicebaker

    But the two administrators have weird issues.

    In their profiles, one is mentionable as @ admin, another is @firstname-lastname. Which do NOT correspond to usernames.

    In each case, profiles have been carefully edited. The strings “admin” and “firstname-lastname” are no present in the respective user profiles. Those phrases ONLY exist as the @-mention name that appears in the profile page across from the picture.

    I can find no way of changing @-mention-names so that these two users can simply be mentioned via their usernames in the same manner as other users on the site.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Btw, I had a version of this problem 3 years ago–link to a dead thread in which no one was able to help any of us who had this problem:

    Username displaying as ‘@ Admin’ on profile

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  • @veelow


    Nobody? Was it TL;DR?

    One sentence summary: BuddyPress provides @-mention names for my two administrator users that do not correspond to ANY actual names listed anywhere in those user profiles: how can I fix this problem?



    The strings “admin” and “firstname-lastname” are no present in the respective user profiles. Those phrases ONLY exist as the @-mention name that appears in the profile page across from the picture.

    You kind of answered your own question.

    The at-mention name uses the user_nicename field from the wp_users database table. This can differ from the display name. The user_nicename info also isn’t exposed in the WordPress admin dashboard, which is why you might be confused.

    If a user registered manually on your site, this would be the Username that they enter on the registration page. If you imported a bunch of users from another system, check your database with a web app like phpMyAdmin or Adminer. You can also use a command-line tool like wp-cli to view the user fields:

    wp user list

    You can also try using a plugin like Edit Author Slug if you want the ability to edit the user_nicename field, but use with caution (untested):

    Edit Author Slug

    Test in a local environment before deploying on your live site.



    “The user_nicename info also isn’t exposed in the WordPress admin dashboard, which is why you might be confused”

    Bingo! That fact, hitherto unknown to me, is the source of my confusion.

    I will try some “edit nickname” plugins on a test site, and report back.

    If this doesn’t work, am I correct in thinking I can change nicknames using phpMyAdmin?



    Update: the “edit author slug” plugin works, and did not crash my site 2017 Theme, latest version of WP and BP).

    It did, of course, destroy my permalinks, but after recreating them in settings, the site is fully functional.

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