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Problems with AJAX Activity Comments Read More & Activity Comment Replies

  • homelesshenry


    I’ve noticed an issue where the Activity Comments “Read More” links and Activity Comments “Reply” buttons seem to not work properly for some comments.

    In both cases, the accordion/expand effect isn’t occurring properly to expand out the rest of the content or the comment reply form.

    I can’t find a pattern (some threads work), although it tends to appear on comments nested 2 levels deep or greater (settings are set so comments can nest 5 levels deep).

    I’ve disabled every plugin except Buddypress and ran it with a default WP theme, and the problem still remains.

    I’ve downgraded wordpress and BP to see, but the problem still remains.

    Does anyone have any experience with this happening to them?

    I’m wondering if Buddypress can accrue errors over time as more comments and posts are being made, because that’s one of the only differences to the site that’s been made since this functionality seemingly stopped working.

    Otherwise, I’m going to look at the host.

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  • carasse64



    Did you find a solution. I cant comment activity posts any more at all.

    Thanks for help.


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