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Problems with layering

  • @pcwriter


    I just installed the BoWoB free chatbar on my site and it works just fine (WPMU & BuddyPress default theme). I do have a problem however: the footer and some widgets layer on top of the chat windows. Specifically those on the directory pages (members, forums, etc). I thought at first it might be the avatars, but they layer beneath the chat windows on the Home page. Then I noticed it’s actually the entire contents of the widgets, but only on the directory pages.

    Is there any way to code the widgets in some obscure php file so that they snuggle up beneath the chat? Please be aware that I know nothing about php, but I can find way through a recipe or other, similarly easy instructions ;)

    By the way, the site is at if you want to take a look.

    Thanks for any help given!

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  • @boonebgorges


    The layer issue can probably fixed with CSS positioning. I did a quick test by setting #footer to position:static fixed the index problem. I imagine something similar will work for the random member divs, though I couldn’t figure it out in a minute or two of testing. Try looking at the styles on the various divs and play with position, float, and z-index.



    Thanks Boone,

    I’ll give that a try tomorrow… gotta get some sleep!



    Woke up in the middle of the night and had to have a go at it. And I found it.

    In the layout css for the blog/directory pages of the BP parent theme, the sidebar ID had a z-index of 999.

    It doesn’t anymore… and it all works fine now. Couldn’t do anything about the footer though.

    Thanks again Boone for the suggestion!

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