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Profile Page Not Loading Correctly

  • @jasnon


    I’m experiencing issues with the individual Buddypress member profile pages. For some reason the profile page creates large spaces at the top of the header and bottom of the footer when loaded. In addition, any widgets that are supposed to be on the sidebar of the page do not show up. I’ve looked endlessly at the various templates within the bp-legacy folder but I cannot isolate which file contains the issue. What’s also strange is that this problem only occurs on the main profile page but does not occur on the messages or settings pages. Looking for any advice on why this might be happening as it is driving me crazy and I cannot find a solution. I have screenshots and can share source code if needed.

    Thanks so much.

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  • @hnla


    You need to do some debugging.
    You do not explain if you’re using custom BP templates, if not then there’s no point looking for errors in the template files as we would have spotted them by now.

    If you’re missing sidebars then it’s more than likely a fatal error being thrown by some plugin or piece of custom code.

    Turn on wp_debug in your wp-config.php so you can see error messages displayed to clue you in to the offending plugin or piece of code, although you should have tried disabling all plugins really to see if it can be pinned down to one of them.



    Thanks for the feedback. I was able to isolate the issue of widgets not displaying on the sidebar to be a conflict with a widget plugin I was using. After further testing with the additional spacing that was being created, I determined it was an issue with my current theme and I was able to reach out to them for further trouble shooting and an eventual solution.

    You can consider this issue closed. Thanks again.

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