Profile pages being redirected to signup page
I’ve just installed BuddyPress in a sub-directory i.e. (not sub-domain). Everything seems OK with the blogs, but I’m finding that the members and groups pages are being redirected to the blog sign-up page /wp-signup.php?new=blahblah
Does BuddyPress run in a sub-directory? I’ve had it working on a sub-domain before without a hitch.
I should add that I’m running everything off the latest trunks.
Actually, it’s redirecting like this:
for example, when I click on
I must be doing something wrong here. Clicking on the links to News, Members, Groups or Blogs, all result in a redirect to wp-signup.php as shown above.
It’s as if BuddyPress is not installed and WPMU is finding no blog at the URL so redirecting the user to signup. However, BuddyPress is installed and partially working (the options show up in the Site Admin menu).
It should work in a subdirectory just fine, I tested this again today.
What version are you running of WPMU? Are you using the trunk of BP?
Any plugins? Using default themes?
Everything is fresh from SVN trunk about two hours ago. No plugins, no themes, new DB. I tested WPMU with a new blog and edited a post, then installed the BP plugins and themes. It’s as if WPMU doesn’t recognise it’s there.
For example: shows the BuddyPress Home page shows the initial test blog – WPMU is treating these like normal and when not finding anything at the URL, is re-directing to wp-signup.php
exact same probs here.. everything is from the trunks.. something has gotten screwed up in the trunk eds.. cos i was using the release till yday for all and tho the forums problem cropped up, everything else worked sweet… wait ill just deactivate all plugins and see..
o and i think i have found the cause of the problem.. the member-theme selection in the buddy press options(sitewide admin) shows themes from my themese directory(the buddypresshome and other standard wpmu themes) instead of showing the buddypress-members theme. iv been checking the code and well i cant really place my finger on it..
function bp_core_get_member_themes() {
add_filter( 'theme_root', 'bp_core_set_member_theme_root' );
$themes = get_themes();
if ( $themes ) {
foreach ( $themes as $name => $values ) {
$member_themes[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'template' => $values
return $member_themes;
function bp_core_set_member_theme_root() {
return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/member-themes';
function bp_core_set_member_theme_root_uri() {
return WP_CONTENT_URL . '/member-themes';
the funny thing is tht the code seems right. i dont see a call to any other functions so this entirely baffles me..
Well, I’m glad someone else has seen this. I don’t see this though:
the member-theme selection in the buddy press options(sitewide admin) shows themes from my themese directory(the buddypresshome and other standard wpmu themes) instead of showing the buddypress-members theme.
It’s got to be something in the theme though because I’m running another install using trunk for everything except the themes and it’s running fine.
No, that’s not it. I’ve just replaced the themes in trunk from today with the themes from trunk a couple of weeks ago which are working on my other install and I get the same problems.
ok lol.. ill try tracing this backwards.. see where else this might connect to.. dont think i cld do much.. am not a php coder..
.. tho the logic is the same as coding in a low level language so i can find code but not hack it.. lol.. i need to learn php..
no it has nothing to do with the theme but with the bp-core plugin itself… its calling up wrong paths as far as im concerned.. wait ill update with today’s svn and check..
Lets try and see what’s common here. You both have:
– Subdirectory installs of mu.
– You both are running the bp home theme on blog id 1.
– Attempts to run ‘members’, ‘news’, ‘groups’ or ‘blogs’ in the member or home theme results in a redirect to wp-signup.php.
– You have the latest trunk versions of wpmu 2.7 and bp.
Is this correct?
How about some links to your sites that we can look at and reproduce the problem.
Yes, to all of the above. Blog creation works. All user-side BuddyPress features redirect to the signup page. i.e. click on ‘news’ and you get sent to:
Everything under ‘My Account’ and ‘Notifications’ is similarly affected.
From the Admin Dashboard, things work as expected.
Links. Need links to the live problem.
This sounds like a wpmu config problem. Check to see that you have done all of the README.txt instructions to the letter. Leaving out nothing. Just because blog creation works doesn’t mean your config works. Apache has to be setup correctly.
here you go:
I am running two other wpmu installs on the same box. One in sub-dirs, the other on vhost in subdomain. Apache should be fine.
well there is one difference.. im not running it in subdirectory. mines main install.. and yeah ill take a look into the config file but dont see what cld have gone wrong.. im going to attempt using bp beta 2 and see what happens and then see what happens..
shit i better set up my xampp for this.. hmmm…
well yea it has something to do with the configuration of the server.. cos well it all works just fine on my system… something wrong with the host.. lol..
theuseruper – thanks for pointing me over here, although I still don’t have any answers, I’m having a similar problem.
I don’t think it’s my server, as my site was working great for months before I upgraded.
This WPMU changeset has broken things.
There may be no solution to this until after the next beta/final of WPMU 2.7.
For now it is possible to fix this problem by removing lines 129-141 inclusive in wpmu-settings.php.
Here’s how I fixed it
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