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Profile rating system

  • @christophg


    Hey all! I’m in need of a rating function that will allow members to rate each others profiles. Each member I have is either a business or a customer. Both would like a way to rate. The customers would like to give the businesses feedback and the businesses feel it could provide good publicity for them. Any way of doing this?

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  • @embergermedia


    Create a simple page template for the feedback page. All you want is the pages content and comments. Make this the default theme for this post type. Then simply create an ifame calling the page that you would have normally linked to. I would set the frame style to have border=”0″ so that it looks more integrated. Let me know if you need more detailed instructions.



    @christophg Sorry for the delay in getting the registration/profile idea to you. Here is what I do:

    I use S2member to keep my customers and brands separate. I then created a new profile group called “Company Profile”. I made this the last profile group. I then added the following code to the file:

    <?php if (S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL li:last-child{display:none;}


    The above code hides the profile group on the edit menu from users below level 2, my brand level. And it also hides the profile group edit fields from anyone below level two. In case the menu item shows for some reason. And, unfortunately, this will not hide the menu item from users in IE 8 and below. But it WILL hide the profile group from them.

    I tried using jquery to affect last-child in IE. Although I can get the jq to work on a test page on IE, it won’t work on the menu item… not sure why.

    Next, my brands all belong to a private group, and I use a group conditional script to show the brands profile info front and center on their profile page with custom styling. This allows the brand members only to have a slick looking page that is different from regular consumer pages.



    Let me know if you need anything else. Or if something doesn’t make sense.



    @embergermedia , Thanks a lot for this! I have been crazy busy with paying jobs but I will be trying your solution out within the next few days. I appreciate you taking the time to post this! I’ll let you know how it goes!



    Hey @embergermedia thought you might like to know that BP Profile Manager (developed by elgunvo) does a great job at hiding profile components based on S2member levels. This may resolve your IE problems.



    Hey @christophg

    Sorry, I’ve been travelling a lot or work and haven’t had enough time to come back here!! Thanks for the info on Profile manager. I was half way through with my solution when I stumbled upon hers. It didn’t work for me, so I contacted her. After several iterations of the plugin it still didn’t work for me. I suspect there may be a plugin conflict, however, I have limited plugins running on my installation, and my community needs every one of them. So I continued to make refine the idea I sent to you.

    As for your question regarding using S2 to control who gets one of your pages created, I am not sure if it is possible. As it stands, S2’s hooks and filters only allow you to keep content sequestered depending on user level.

    One idea for you though is to allow a page to be created for every one who registers. Then, display the contents of that page as an iFrame on each users member profile page. Create a private group for the members who should have a rating. Then wrap the iframe in code that restricts the display of the iframe to only displayed members of that group. I do this very thing for my “Brands”.

    I believe this is the code I used to show only on my brands member pages:

    Let me know if you need more help!



    Hey @embergermedia,
    As usual your advise dose not disappoint! I’m in the process of moving and also the creation of s second business site so as soon as I can I’ll give you an update on how it all works out! Ill also continue to mull over your problem and see if I can help at all! Talk to you soon!




    I’m glad to help! I’m sure some of my ideas are not the cleanest way to solve the problems, but they seem to work. And as it seems difficult to get answers to questions here sometimes, I try to help where I can.

    Let me know how things go after you get a chance to try them out. Ps. the code I pointed to in that link, if it is not clear- I used it to create an ‘if’ statement.




    A thought for you @embergermedia, Remember my ratings code that i gave you earlier in this conversation? You said it couldn’t work for you unless you could make it apply to existing members too. I think i can make this happen. First you could change the code so it doesn’t create the new page at registration but rather upon joining a curtain group. Then, using the “auto join” plugin, simply cause all members to join the group. It would have to be done in that order but should get the job done and the changes in the ratings plugin should be simple enough. That being said you could probably get specific and have only a curtain group that gets rated and invite all of your “brand” customers to that group. I MIGHT use this functionality as well so let me know what you think.



    Hi, I am new to WP and need to create a user rating plugin for new members, like the one you guys are discussing in this post. I can see that you have found a solution and you have kindly shared the code, but the problem I have is that I don’t know were to introduce the code… could someone give me some direction?? I would be extremelly helpfull. Thanks a lot



    Has anyone created a rating system for BP profiles?



    Hi guys! I noticed that people actually like the system I rigged up, and that all my previous links were broken, so I tossed this together:

    It’s a .zip file containing a step-by-step instruction readme for implementing the whole shebang (though I think I forgot to specify adding a “feedback” template), as well as current copies of all plugins used. Hope that helps!

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