Not sure, but…
see function bp_core_redirect
in bp-core-functions.php:830 and how it is used for xprofile groups in bp-xprofile-screens.php:62
Thanks Dan, unfortunately I tried changing bp_core_redirect function hardcoding $location variable but it doesn’t change. Any other idea ?
After playing around, it seems related to permalinks settings, I didn’t find a solution but I understood I need to get deeper on this
A faster solution would be to publish your code on pastebin (or similar), so we can check what you already did and where to solve eventually an error or issue.
How do you call ../members/userXX/profile/edit/group/1/ ?
Hi danpb,
sorry for late answer, I’ve been in vacation…
In the profile edit page I’ve this simple link:

When I click on it, it open a Runkeeper page with 2 buttons: ALLOW and DENY, if I click on ALLOW it redirect to
but instead of showing profile edit page, it show home page.
Don’t know what you’re doing. The link doesn’t help.
Or you publish your work as asked previously, or you ask on oauth plugin support or on the service support you try to connect… That’s not a BP issue
Aside you have some errors on
Notice: bp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init().
Notice: Undefined index: WPOA wp-content/plugins/wp-oauth/wp-oauth.php on line 306
You incorrectly use index.php there. Make your base install (wp/bp) work correctly first.
I danpd, the problem was related to link path with permalink settings
This doesn’t work
This work
I don’t know the cause (maybe it try to edit a group ?) however now it’s fixed.