Hi Sean,
This seems to be a common issue. I had the same thing with my first installation. The system happened to crash when I deleted my original site admin user profile so I had to completely reinstall the 2.7.1 and bp 1.0.1
Anyway, I started a topic on this, https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=3181
Burt thought I was trying to modify the look but in reality this seems to be a bug that I believe somehow develops after the installation of some of the plugins. That’s my shoot from the hip thought. I think it has to do with Nicola’s BPDEV plugin set. Sorry Nicola but your plugins have some issues. Not all of them but some of them.
– Brian
Are you still having this issue? Everything looks fine when I visit the link you’ve provided.
If this issue is resolved, please set the light on top to green. If not, please answer these questions: https://buddypress.org/forums/topic.php?id=2674
Thank you Brian! 
So you solved the problem by reinstalling WordPress MU and Buddypress right? Did you reset the DB also?
Thank you all. I solved this problem. I don’t know what’s the cause though.
I just reinstalled whole WordPress MU & BuddyPress. But I didn’t erased the MySQL DB. So I could use whole data base again normally.
If someone is struggling with this issue, Just reinstall them. It’s easiest way I think.
I found the cause of this issue. So obvious. Everyone who’s having this issue please follow this instruction!!
DON’T REINSTALL THE WORDPRESS OR BUDDYPRESS. You should just follow the steps below.
1. go to siteurl/wp-admin
2. go to setting -> permalinks
3. Change common settings EXCEPT DEFAULT. If you set it as default, the issue occurs.
If this doesn’t work, please reply.
Thank you all!