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Pull in feeds from 3 blogs onto homepage?

  • @gcs123



    First off, running WPMU 2.7.1 Buddypress 1.0

    I have a site which has 3 blogs as subdomains of my main domain.

    I’m wanting to know if it is possible to use the main domain as a central hub to pull in feeds of the latest posts from each blog (about 3 from each blog)?

    I have tried using SiteWide MultiWidget, however I can only use this to pull in one feed.

    Is there any other plugins I can use to do this? or custom code I can use to pull these in?

    I’ve had a Google but can’t seem to find anything which I think will work.

    Willing to pay someone for their time if this needs to be a custom plugin.

    Any ideas much appreciated!

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  • @alunsina


    you can try out feedpress plugin. install in your main blog then get the feed address of your three other blogs. i have same setup as yours and feedpress seems to be working. this is assuming that the main domain you mean is the



    I was hoping to install this on rather than in a subdirectory? Is this possible?

    I have a problem actually getting the feed to work, getting this error when I try and subscribe to the feed on all the blogs.

    XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity

    Location: http://blog.*******.com/feed/

    Line Number 2, Column 1:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    (will start a new post about this error as its slightly off topic) but still keen to find a solution for my question above.



    Alunsina, I got the RSS feed issue sorted and have been trying out that feedpress plugin,

    However when I feed the post in (i’m using custom fields) I dont seem to get any image coming through?

    Also the link of the post doesn’t seem to go anywhere it displays as my main domain, even though I have set the settings to link to the source not the aggregate?



    i have had the same problem. :-(

    I found a raisoneable solution on

    Arrange your feeds with Pipes and re-enter them on your with the standart rss widget.

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