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Question about bp_activity_action

  • @jblevins1991


    Right now I am trying to make my own custom entry.php for my activity loops. When looking at the bp-default one to get a good idea of what one should look like i ran into the following code.

    <?php bp_activity_action(); ?>

    Now I found this function in bp-activity-template.php in the github project, but that was not too helpful either. The file doesn’t document the $args that it can take nor does it tell me too much information.

     * Output the activity action.
     * @since 1.2.0
     * @param array $args See bp_get_activity_action().
     * @uses bp_get_activity_action()
    function bp_activity_action( $args = array() ) {
    	echo bp_get_activity_action( $args );

    Anyone with some experience using this? If so can you clear up what this function does and how I can use it?

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  • @shanebp


    When looking at the bp-default one

    Unless you are explicitly using the bp-default theme, you should be looking at this file:

    As for the function, it says:
    * @uses bp_get_activity_action()

    So look at that function which you will find right below the one you looked at.
    And you will see:

     * @param array $args {
    	 *     @type bool $no_timestamp Whether to exclude the timestamp.



    I did look at that function as well.

    	 * Return the activity content.
    	 * @since 1.0.0
    	 * @deprecated 1.5.0
    	 * @todo properly deprecate this function.
    	 * @uses bp_get_activity_action()
    	 * @uses bp_get_activity_content_body()
    	 * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_get_activity_content' hook.
    	 * @return string The activity content.
    	function bp_get_activity_content() {
    		 * If you want to filter activity update content, please use
    		 * the filter 'bp_get_activity_content_body'.
    		 * This function is mainly for backwards compatibility.
    		$content = bp_get_activity_action() . ' ' . bp_get_activity_content_body();
    		return apply_filters( 'bp_get_activity_content', $content );

    Do you know which file holds all of the buddypress specific filters and actions? I’d really like to dig deeper and understand those as well. I think that is what is holding me back from developing faster and better.



    Do you know which file holds all of the buddypress specific filters and actions?

    They are mainly grouped according the component being used.
    Look in buddypress/bp-activity/ for activity related filters and actions.

    If you have a decent file editor ( notepad++ ? ) you can do a find-in-files search.



    Right now I am trying out Dreamweaver for production. However for a bit more versatility I am thinking about going back to Sublime Text. If not mainly for awesome plugins.

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