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Questions: Members widget & BuddyPress

  • @desha


    Hi (and thank you in advance for your replies),

    I initially posted this to the WordPress forum, but after further investigation, it appears that the important code might be in BuddyPress… I have the Members Widget in my left sidebar, and I have 3 quick questions:

    1. Can I show the members names without showing their images next to them? (I thought to configure the widget. but I don’t see an option for this).

    2. Sometimes the members in the list are indented, and other times they are vertically aligned as they should be. Is there something I can do to ensure they are always aligned correctly? It appears to be a bug.

    3. How I can change the size of the thumbnails shown in the Members widget.

    Platform: I am using WordPress 3.0.1 with the current version of BuddyPress, the PageLines Platform Theme and several WordPress plug-ins, including BuddyPress Theme Compatibility.

    Thank you!

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  • @mercime


    Simple revisions via adding some styles in active theme’s style.css file
    #1 can be addressed by adding `{ display: none; }` to specific widget’s avatar image
    #2 which list are you referring to? In any case, add missing styles for the the overlapping images in lists with something like `{ float: left; clear: left; }` specific to the list ID or class
    #3 can add styling like `body.members img.avatar { width: 35px; height: 35px; }`



    Thank you!!!

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