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[Resolved] Re-install Buddypress Tables

  • @christicehurst


    I removed Buddy Press a few months ago and I have decided to give it another go and I remembered removing the tables back then. When I re-installed it it didn’t re-install the tables and have been having issues such not able to add Friends etc and a number of issue.

    How does one solve this issue?

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  • @danbp



    in other words, you didn’t use buddypress for a while and when you reactivate the plugin, all goes wrong.

    The easiest way to go is to deactivate buddypress from your plugins list and delete it.
    Check it is really the case in the wp-content/plugins/ directory on the FTP server.
    Then you check your database and delete any table (16 tables on a single install) you may encounter related to BP.
    Those tables are are all prefixed like this: _bp_table_name. By default, wp_bp_table_name.

    Once done, go back to your wordpress install and check if the site is working flawless.
    If ok, you install a new copy of buddypress via the plugin installer on the dashboard.

    Activate, adjust BP settings without forgetting the permalink setting, and enjoy.

    Some codex references:


    Configure BuddyPress



    I have tried to re-install it a couple times but what I’m seeing that for some reason the tables are not created during the install and no data can be added to it.

    My site is



    Deleting BuddyPress

    If you follow all of the instructions in that article you should get to the point where you can reinstall.



    None of options are in the tables. There’s no Buddypress options or tables left and it doesn’t re-install the tables when I try to.



    Please give more details about the install.
    Host type and plugins list.
    Do you use a cache system ? Do you used an automated wordpress install from your host ?
    Which software do you use to access your db ?



    Share Paid Hosting

    Plugins: Advanced Categories Widget, bbpress, Imsanity, Jetpack, Registration Honeypot, Team Showcase, UberMenu 2

    No automated install for WordPress and I use phpmyadmin

    If things continue to stay weird in terms of solving this, I am happy to PM log in details to you guys to see what’s going on under the hood.



    I really have no idea why buddypress tables can not be created on your DB.
    A rough solution would be trying to install another plugin, who also create tables and to check if it is working. MyCred is such a plugin. Clean and safe and written for buddypress. that plugin install one table. Give this a try. Upload, activate and see if a table called yourprefix_mycred_log is in the db.

    If it exist, your db is ok as it accet table creation, but not from bp installer.

    What is blocking BP in this case ?

    One of the future of jetpack is
    The ability to allow applications to securely authenticate and access your site with your permission.

    See if you have a setting that would prevent plugins activation or db access



    The install of myCred went fine and the table was created. Turned off every setting in Jetpack expect for Stats and Shortlinks and tried installing Buddypress again and it still doesn’t create tables.

    There isn’t a setting from Jetpack that prevents plugin activation or db access.



    ok, now we are sure that your db is working.

    What about buddypress ?

    Could be that some old information are still in the base, so i suggest to restart a fresh install of buddypress. But first delete correctly bp. πŸ˜‰

    Follow the instructions from here, specially those related to the option table

    Deleting BuddyPress



    This has already been tried before but everything in Buddypress has been deleted now.



    Do you use the automatted plugin installer or do you do it manually via FTP ?



    I have tried both ways



    Can you activate debug mode in wp-config and check for notices and warnings ?



    Below is the errors that gave out after installing Buddypress

    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_xprofile_data' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id, user_id, field_id, value, last_updated FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 1 AND user_id IN (1)
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_xprofile_fields' doesn't exist]
    SELECT * FROM wp_bp_xprofile_fields WHERE id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_xprofile_fields' doesn't exist]
    SELECT type FROM wp_bp_xprofile_fields WHERE id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_xprofile_fields' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_xprofile_fields WHERE id = 1
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php:227) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs' doesn't exist]
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_bp_user_blogs
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs' doesn't exist]
    DELETE FROM wp_bp_user_blogs WHERE 1=1
    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-admin.php on line 829
    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-admin.php on line 829
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs' doesn't exist]
    SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wp_bp_user_blogs WHERE user_id = 1 AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO wp_bp_user_blogs ( user_id, blog_id ) VALUES ( 1, 1 )
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT blog_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE blog_id IN (1) ORDER BY id ASC
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'url' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'url','')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'name' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'name','Chris Ticehurst')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'description' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'description','Creative Writer cat')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'last_activity' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'last_activity','2014-09-08 10:59:55')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'close_comments_for_old_posts' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'close_comments_for_old_posts','')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'close_comments_days_old' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'close_comments_days_old','14')
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    SELECT id FROM wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta WHERE meta_key = 'thread_comments_depth' AND blog_id = 1
    WordPress database error: [Table 'christic_database.wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO <code>wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta</code> (<code>blog_id</code>,<code>meta_key</code>,<code>meta_value</code>) VALUES (1,'thread_comments_depth','5')

    Below is the errors from two other plugins

    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerCore::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 227
    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerCore::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 227
    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerCore::end_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::end_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 227
    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerEdit::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 401
    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerEdit::end_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 401
    Strict Standards: Declaration of UberMenuWalkerEdit::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/core/UberMenuWalkerCore.class.php on line 401
    Notice: Undefined index: ctype in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mycred/addons/banking/services/mycred-bank-service-interest.php on line 575
    Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/christic/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mycred/addons/banking/services/mycred-bank-service-interest.php on line 576



    Deactivate first, than remove myCred plugin from the server, we used it only to test your db.
    Deactivate also the ubermenu plugin, while testing and installing BP. You can reactivate it after, but you should update it, you’re using version 2.3 and actual version is

    Make also a db dump, because you probably need to make a fresh install from zero !

    Have you a local iso install of ?

    Opinion requested: @r-a-y, @hnla, @shanebp, @mercime, @henrywright ?



    Not sure what a local iso install is. So I really need to do a whole new db?



    <teacher mode>: the name ISO derives from the greek word iso, which means equal.</teacher mode>

    In other words, a mirror install. Or more popular, you have the exact same install locally as on the production site.
    With only one difference: the urls ! For example: http://localhost/ vs.

    So I really need to do a whole new db?
    IMHO: yes. As we haven’t found what is causing the trouble who prevents BP to be installed.

    Or you missed something during the test, or you did something wrong, or something else, undefined for now.

    But wait a little to get some other opinions.



    I don’t have a local version of this and I will wait for others to join in



    I don’t have a local version of

    you should, because it is particularly useful in this kind of situation πŸ˜‰



    Personally I would guess that not all option entries were found and removed.

    If creating a localhost dev copy of the site is too awkward I would suggest creating a new DB, then tell wp-config to use that one and do a fresh install to see how things fair, or if prepared to manually edit the DB further do so by creating a DB copy in phpMyAdmin and again switching to that one to work on; this way you preserver original which you can simply revert to using in wp-config if necessary.

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