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Really — how to begin?

  • erick_paper


    Hi. Hope I’ve made the right choice.

    I have a functioning WP install for our intranet. This works.

    I now need:

    1. Better forum
    2. Better access control to some categories (I tried “Role Manager” coupled with “Category Visibility”)
    3. Maybe some social networking features

    But 1 and 2 are priority.

    BuddyPress came up in my searches, so I downloaded the plugin. Activated it.

    Now what? Where’s the “Step by step” instructions stuff? It’s not in Plugins dropdown, nor is it in the site. What is missing?

    Secondly, will it automatically enable a forum and SNS for me?

    There is no listing of “Features” on this website. Just “What is BuddyPress” which has a broad set of promises that I could run a social network. Well, with what precise features? How is this different from or superior to Elgg?

    Thanks for any guidance.

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