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Recently Active Buddy Press Widget 1.7

  • @missnorthking


    Using 1.7, looking to change the look of recent active members widget from one vertical column to more of a 4 X 4 or 5 X 5 block style. I did research the forums and found some old posts on this, but couldnt apply to this version. Help?

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  • @missnorthking


    Anyone have any thoughts on this? Purdy please?



    Maybe @modemlooper can help?




    It would help if you gave more details and if possible a link to a url demonstrating the problem.

    I gather from your other post that you are using ( see demo ).

    From what you say, it seems like you are asking about a simple css issue with the theme. It will need something like a float left or right on the avatar images…..

    `img.avatar { float: left; }` ( and other properties ) is in the bp-default default.css for bp 1.7… If you made a child theme you could try putting that at the bottom of style.css and see if it helps….



    hi @aces thanks for your response. I am actually referring specifically to the widget BP provides titled for recently active members. It lists them vertically in one column (avatars stacked one on top of the next), I would like them to be listed horizontally instead and even better would be two rows… the widget allows for up to 15 users to be displayed, I just want to rearrange they way they are displayed in the widget. And yes you are correct on theme.




    Is the recently active member an avatar? If so, then that is what I was talking about.

    The number of avatars in a row would depend on the space available normally, and could also be set by rules in the stylesheet…



    Yes it is a widget that displays avatars of recent active afraid altering this may be over my head as a newbie…there should be room for 4 or 5 across… @aces

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