I assume something like this was done in this theme, but what is the name?
ok, after a bit of searching looks like it is old bp-default, does it mean that it is removed functionality?
@janismo please clarify what you mean about
– “this theme”
– “old bp-default” and about
– “number of bp-default from the link”
@mercime thank you for reply!
– Is it bp-default in the link? (link in the 2nd post in this topic)
– if yes, what version is it and where it can be downloaded?
– was such feature as “Rectangular profile avatar” with resizing for a square thumb in any of bp-default and why it was removed?
BuddyPress avatars have always been square since BP alpha version if I remember well 
I was going to refer you to @sbrajesh but I see you’ve already posted there http://buddydev.com/buddypress/changing-default-avatar-size-croppedused-by-buddypress/
Thank you @mercime for the mention.
@jainsmo just replied to your post there. It is possible to have rectangular avatar.
do you want to have rectangular avatar for profile but square for groups etc or you want to have square for thumb but rectangular for larger image ?
@sbrajesh @mercime
thank you guys! from example/link above I cannot agree to you mercime
yes, Brajesh, “square for thumb but rectangular for larger image” is exactly what I want. I have just replied at your site, probably, we should use one web page for this conversation, you are welcome to chose 
can it be done using these lines (?):
`$thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image( $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(), bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . ‘/’ . $thumb_filename );`
hi @sbrajesh
could you please take a look on this, if you will have time..