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Redirect does not work

  • fail2reap


    Hi there, I am trying to redirect a user who signs up using the buddypress registration form to a register confirmation page.

    I have tried numerous code snippets from across the internet and some simply added a white bar to the top of my website, others did nothing and I am still stuck for a solution.

    Is there anyone that could help? I am simply looking to redirect users to complete registration to be redirected to another page.

    Is it possible to maybe make this standard functionality in BuddyPress in the future? Seems like a lot of people are trying to do something like this.

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  • fail2reap


    Anyone can help with this?




    BuddyPress doesn’t handle registration. That’s WordPress territory.

    You may read about WP two step authentication:

    And here’s a tutorial from which you can built a multi step authentication:

    Building a Multi-step Registration Form for WordPress

    Good luck !

    @fail2reap So… after the user sends the registration form, rather than go to the page that says something like “check your email for an activation link”, you want to redirect them somewhere else?



    @danbp Sorry I don’t quite understand, you state that Buddypress does not support it yet it has settings to set a registration page target. I am a little confused atm. See screenshot here

    Thanks for your reply. Well the thing is, after the user sends the registration form the user then get’s redirected to the home page by defaut. I want to instead redirect them to a page with exactly what you had said “check your email for confirmation link”

    It should work like that by default. What plugins do you have running, what theme are you using, and what other code customisations might you have made?



    BP’s target the page, not the register process. In brief, BP shows the wp-login page. For internal purpose only, BP needs a registration page to fit with WP.

    But it’s not an ordinary wp page, just a placeholder, or “internal address” if this is clearer to you.

    Normally, by default, once his registration is fullfiled, the user is redirected to your-site/register/ where he see Check Your Email To Activate Your Account! .

    Check your theme settings or theme’s functions.php if it contains some redirect to homepage.



    @djpaul – Thanks please see screenshot here for list of plugins ( The theme I am using is ( I don’t have any code customizations, I tried out a few things e.g. bp-custom.php but after none of the code snippets worked I reverted everything to how it was. No custom code atm.

    – I see, thanks for the clarification. That is how it has worked for me from the very beginning since I enabled it, a user will visit your-site/register and once the form is completed and submitted the user is redirected to the homepage.

    The site I am having this issue with is

    Welcome Pack! Small world.

    Can you try disabling Welcome Pack? That certainly interferes with user registration.
    Please also try disabling iThemes Security.

    Then, test registration again, and see what happens.

    If it still doesn’t work as expected, if you can switch your theme to one of the default WordPress themes (leaving those two plugins disabled), test again. If you have a test environment (say you might be using Pantheon hosting, for example), this should be easy to do, though if it’s only one server, I appreciate you might not want to modify your production site too much.



    @djpaul – Thanks for getting back to me with these additional steps. I have tested this now with removing the plugin iThemes Security and Welcome Pack. I also set a default WordPress theme.

    Unfortunately it did not resolve the issue as the user still get’s directed back to the home screen after the submit the register page.

    Any other ideas?

    I think you need to disable all your plugins (and any other code tweaks), while running a default WP theme, until you figure out what’s causing the behaviour.

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