@stemcpt BuddyPress is not activated in your site. Your query should be directed to the theme author of delight.
Is that the most helpful answer you can come up with ?
Thanks and have a nice day / night
use a browser cookie to save if link is clicked. Show the mobile or regular site based on cookie.
That too me looks like a great resolution and I am grateful for that, thanks for the reference link.
I am just at a loss how and where to configure and put that php script as the mobile files are all html sitting in a sub folder within the domain. Mixing the html and php stretches my ability.
Yes I can work out and edit the html but configuring cookie script tests me to the limit mixed with php.
If someone can just say put this code there (in main site files by name) and that there, edit the mobi page links to read this, that I can do no problem. It is my site and I have full access.
I have deactivated the js in my header.php :
if (screen.width <= 800) {
window.location = "http://www.icesugarmedia.com/mobile/";;
mobi page links : 
(the button matches the phg file)
until I can resolve this as basically just end up stuck on the mobile version and its becoming quite embarrassing.
Thanks for you insight and guidance.
Are the files for the mobile site just static (no wordpress just html)?
If that is the case then just redirect to a subfolder
Am looking at them now and they where zipped over to me, unbundled and I uploaded to a new subfolder: icesugarmedia.com/mobile. They are html files and the contact us has a php file for the request info.
I have just enabled the js now so the mobile site is live and if you go to the domain icesugarmedia.com on mobile you can see and try the page links but mobile version reloads, so trapped on mobile.
this morning I downloaded a copy of my whole site and re-uploaded to a new folder: icesugarmedia.com/desktop then changed the html link on the mobile page which actually got me back to a ‘page not found’ on the main site, but when I pressed any link on the main site from my mobile again, the mobile script kicked in and it went mobile again 🙂
Am sure it requires a bit of php somewhere and poss cookie related but the header.php script to redirect to mobile is js (as above)
thanks again
Thats the mobi page link on each page below:

sorry didnt come out above, its a standard a href link to the main domain name from a small image
Sorry but flashing back to @mercim comment , are you running BP? If not then asking the questions you are on this support site is inappropriate, and as suggested they should be addressed to the theme author or to the general WP forums.
Not a problem, thanks for your help so far