Any tips guys? Dont need any advanced fix. I can comment out that security check if i only knew where to look. I really need this fixed
This is the first system ever that requires usernames in lowercase.
I have a user trying to register saying: “Uh! I keep getting a message that no upper case letters are allowed…and none of my letters are upper case… ?????” She can’t get in.
It’s because the registration function [bp_core_validate_user_signup()] only looks for lowercase usernames.
A ticket has been filed for this already:
Could anyone explain why BuddyPress forces username to be in lowercase / numbers only? When creating WordPress users, we can add uppercase, hyphens… So why does BuddyPress have this limitation, and how can it be removed?
JJJ commented on the trac ticket. You might check it out. I know that WordPress use to allow and even check for the uppercase. Although, I just tried and it’s no longer worrying about case it seems. Maybe you could look into it more and update the trac ticket as well.
So with reference to the last entry on this link
Has anyone managed to use uppercase usernames?
tigerseo — thanks for the link .. worked.
Does anyone know what you do with Sergey’s php file?
Drop it in your plugins dir, network activate it from the dashboard. Doesn’t work for me because I’m also using BP Xtra Signup. That can be rectified (and I hope without blowing up the database) by editing line of 298 (current version as of Jan 2011) of bpxs-core.php in BP Xtra signup from
`preg_match( “/[a-z0-9]+/”, $user_name, $maybe );`
`preg_match( “/[A-Za-z0-9]+/”, $user_name, $maybe );`
Thank you for your plugin, it works for me, but i canĀ“t change (crop) avatar – no thumbnail to show after upload.