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registration and activation

  • tmc5005


    I would like visitors to my website to be able to create posts in my forum without having to login, but with a capture to avoid spam. As it is now you need to be logged in and you need to register, when someone tries to register the receive a message they they will receive an activation e-mail which never comes. As a result a forum that a few months ago received posts almost daily has not received a post in months. Here is the link
    If you scroll to the bottom there is a message that reads You must be logged in to reply to this topic

    Thank you for your assistance

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  • Blackhawk Cybersecurity


    Hi @tmc5005,

    Just a heads up, letting people post to your forum/site/blog without being logged in is a huge security issue. Think of it this way: Any total stranger can make edits to your website, and add text or code. That’s basically the definition of an XSS attack, and can lead to your site being severely hacked. That would put you and your site’s members at risk.

    Trust me, you want people to be logged in.




    How do I have people who fill out the registration to actually receive the activation e-mail so they can actually login and post comments?
    Thank you.

    Blackhawk Cybersecurity


    The problem you’re having is really common, not related to any specific code or plugin, and it affects pretty much all WordPress emails (contact form emails, notices, etc) that are sent from a web server instead of through SMTP. (SMTP is what your email programs use.) You never know when a site will start having this problem, so it can appear random, or it can seem connected to a plugin, etc. (It hardly ever is.)

    Over the past few years sending mail from a web server has become more unreliable due to the various improvements in fighting email spam: SPF/DKIM/DMARC etc. Using SMTP is the only reliable way to get emails to arrive at their destination (unless you really have your site’s email configuration dialed in).

    I could get into all the technical issues/reasons, I’ll spare you. 🙂

    Short answer:

    • Use an SMTP plugin.
    • Create an email account that is only used for sending emails from your site. (Gmail account is fine.)
    • Do a search in the plugin directory for “SMTP”, and pick one of those plugins: Easy WP SMTP for example.

    Once you get those setup, you should be good to go.



    I installed and setup the EASY WP SMTP plugin. The test e-mails are sent but the buddypress activation e-mail is still not sent.
    Thank you but I still have the same problem.

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