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Registration From fields displaying (0 selected) on mobile/Ipad, looks very poor

  • @minglonaire


    Registration fields and boxes look fine on large screens, but on mobile and ipad they get shrunk and boxes show (0 selected) you have to click on that for pull down list to show up.

    This looks really poor. Is there a way to change that to show (Select) or just have the name of the field in the box?

    For example I have a Gender Field (required)
    son mobile it shows up like this

    0 selected (inside a box)

    This almost gives an impression of some kind of an error.
    How can I change that to show just (Select) inside the box?


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  • @henrywright


    Which theme are you using?



    Im running KLEO 3.0



    Twenty Fifteen its the same thing (O selected) shows up in boxes on smaller screens



    I have the exact same issue, it’s the multi-select ‘checkbox’ fields that display (0 selected) instead of the descriptive placeholder text, that tells users what they should be selecting.

    I’m also using the Kleo theme however the Kleo support says it has nothing to do with the responsiveness of their theme. Which I’m inclined to believe, since changing the theme results in the same problem, like Mickey mentioned. So it must be happening somewhere in the Buddypress or BP-search form code. Can we get any help with this? There was one other topic posted 10 months ago, with the same issue and no information was received there either?

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