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registration on group pages

  • valk


    Is there any way possible to create a registration form on each group’s page for users to register from the groups page?

    Thank you!

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  • David Bisset


    Not easily out of the box, from what I know. Why on the groups pages? Are you wanting a registration to be associated with the group that they registered from?

    If i had to do this, I would use either build a form and put it on the group’s home template or use a third party plugin like Gravity Forms to add a form via shortcode on the template. There are pros/cons to either method.

    If all you are doing is associating a group with a registration, then having a link to the BuddyPress registration page (via a querystring – say ?groupid=1 or ?groupname=test-group) and have that registration page include that group id in a hidden field (that gets added as a BP profile field upon submission/registration).



    Thank you so much for your response!

    I want to create multiple groups but users can only register to one group (the group page they’ll register from)



    Check out

    Not quite clear about registration in group. Default is that if the plugin above is activated, once a user Joins (not registers) a group, the member cannot join any more groups.



    This may be the same question restated. I would like to make selecting a group part of registration. I want to add group to the required fields and have them select from the group list. It is an alumni site and I have groups defined for each year so they would only belong to one group and I would like to capture that information at registration. I currently have a drop down list of the years but it is independent of the Group function.



    I finally got the chance to come back >_<

    thank you! that’s one solution down also great plugins there 😀

    i’ve been searching for group options here are things I’ve come across

    hope one of those can help gl!

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