Is this such a dopey question that it doesn’t warrant a response?
Sorry to bump!
how about commenting out the avatar functions from the theme file? You may also need to customize the “why not use gravatar…” blah blah message as well.
Thanks Social and Stalker–
I’m not sure where in the “theme” file I should be looking to comment out the avatar functions … is this in the PHP? There seems to be several locations for avatar stuff in the CSS … sorry I’m not a programmer, but I can wade around in CSS and change things so if you could point me in the right direction … that would be great!
You have to comment it out, in each file, the avatar appears, in the members loop for example:
filename-members-loop.php in the skeleton member theme line 26. It should look like this after commenting it out:
“><? //php bp_the_site_member_avatar() ?>.
Now you have an empty link, thta points to the profile.
The Css way:
Maybe it can cause errors in old Ie Versions, so I would recommend the first solution.
I assume “avatar” appears in dozens of dozens of dozens of BP files? Perhaps I’ll try the CSS route and not care about people who use old IE!
I would recoomend that, too. So you also do not have to hack core files.