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remove ‘last active’ status

  • @dennymar


    Hello, I searched existing posts but didn’t find this exact question.
    On the members’ page, and on individual profile pages, it shows the time the member was last active. (example ‘active 3 minutes ago’)
    I’d like to hide/turn this off but can’t figure out where or how to do this. I have turned off the activity stream but that didn’t do it.
    Is there a snippet of code I need to change or add to accomplish this?

    I changed the theme to twenty-seventeen and it still shows up.
    Wordpress version 4.9.8
    BuddyPress version 3.2.0

    This will (temporarily) take you directly to the member ( ‘Connect’ ) page.

    Thank you!

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  • @prashantvatsh



    Please try this snippet:

    add_filter( 'bp_nouveau_get_member_meta', 'ps_remove_last_active',10,3 );
    function ps_remove_last_active ( $meta, $member, $is_loop ){
    	$meta['last_activity'] = '';
    	return $meta;

    Hopefully, it will help you.




    Hi Prashant,

    Thank you for your help! I added this to functions.php of my child theme and it did the trick. Did I put this in the right location?




    If it is child theme then it’s fine otherwise please cut it from there and use this plugin to add a new snippet and then paste it there.




    I had to disable my child theme temporarily for some other issues after a recent theme/wordpress update and have lost some of my customizations. Becasue of this I now have the same issue but I don’t want it to show in the directory. I managed to remove it from my profile pages. I am using bp legacy though not nouveau. I tried your snippet with the snipit plugin and then tried it by editing the snipet to say buddypress_legacy but still not working. Any thoughts?

    I also noticed that now on the right column people’s names wrap right like they are doing on that page if the screen is full? Any snipits for that that I can use until I get my child theme back running properly?



    @prashantvatsh I wanted to do this on my site aswell, but it didn’t work. I’m using BP Legacy, and changed the code to ‘bp_legacy_get_member_meta’ but that didn’t work either. Do you have some code for this to work on legacy? Also code to remove the last active on groups as well?

    Thank you!



    Please check the link. Hope this will fix your issue.




    I’m adding it as a code snippet, what should the setting be? Run snippet everywhere, only frontend, only once, or only administrative area? And what should the priority be?



    thanks, for sharing such a great form that we can question all our internet problem online and get answer from the people around the world online.

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