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[Resolved] Remove member last active

  • @v-howe



    I’ve been trying to remove when it displays when a member was last active but haven’t had any luck. I know there a few others posts about this, i’ve read them but as i am complete begginer of code etc i just don’t understand them. So much so i deleted a line of code from my site yesterday and managed to lock myself out of it (all fixed now though).

    Is there a simple step by step process of how to remove the last active display from my site?


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  • @mercime


    @v-howe safest and easiest way is to add the following at the bottom of your theme’s or child theme’s stylesheet:
    span.activity { display: none; }



    @mercime thanks i tried that but it didn’t work.




    I am attempting this as well.

    I went into custom.css in my buddyboss theme (it is reflective mobile ready theme)

    I thought I was adding this in the right place by putting it in global area, but it did not work…

    have never been near css before so clueless…

    here is what the page looks like with my addition… it did not hide the active (how long ago) item…

    can someone please advise?? I saw to add it to the bottom, but that seems not right given how this is set up… did I do something wrong with brackets, or spaces or something?

    I tried it with, and without, the dot in front of the word span…

    This is your custom stylesheet.

    Add your own styles here to make theme updates easier.
    To override any styles from other stylesheets, simply copy them into here and edit away.

    Make sure to respect the media queries! Otherwise you may
    accidentally add desktop styles to the mobile layout.

    You’re the boss, so have fun editing!

    1.0 – Global Styles
    2.0 – Responsive media queries (mobile styles)
    2.1 – MAXIMUM width of 720 pixels (phones landscape)
    2.2 – MAXIMUM width of 380 pixels (phones portrait)
    2.3 – MINIMUM width of 721 pixels (tablets+)
    2.4 – MINIMUM width of 1040 pixels (desktops and laptops)
    1.0 – Global Styles

    .span.activity {
    display: none;

    2.0 – Responsive media queries (mobile styles)
    2.1 – MAXIMUM width of 720 pixels (phones landscape)

    screen and (max-width: 720px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.2 – MAXIMUM width of 380 pixels (phones portrait)

    screen and (max-width: 380px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.3 – MINIMUM width of 721 pixels (tablets+)

    screen and (min-width: 721px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */

    2.4 – MINIMUM width of 1040 pixels (desktops and laptops)

    screen and (min-width: 1040px) {

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;

    }/* don’t delete this closing bracket */



    That doesn’t fix the real problem. CSS just masks it and gives users a false sense of security when they’re last active is still broadcast for anyone who looks at the real page.
    I am also looking how to remove this everywhere and let users choose what to show as their public search info.



    You can “hide” this from the obvious displays by

    #buddypress span.activity { display: none; }

    Just put it at the end of whatever CSS. My preference is just before any mobile specific sections that may be towards the bottom.

    but really that just hides it and still leaks it everywhere. Until it’s really fixed it may be better to let members know it is so public.
    I am also looking how to programmatically secure this as well and let users choose what is displayed.

    CSS is applied so that in general, the most specific gets priority and the last line gets the last word too, so if you have control of the flow put the things you want to override at the end or the last stylesheet applied.



    Copy the template to your theme and then simply remove the markup and function call.

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