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Remove message on the registration page “Registering for this site is easy”

  • @stephunique



    I would like to remove the statement that shows on the registration page:

    “Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we’ll get a new account set up for you in no time.”

    I see there has been other questions about this, (for example, here: but it has not been resolved for me. I am not using Buddypress Nouveau. I have BuddyPress 12.4.0.

    Thank you

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  • @stephunique


    I can’t edit my previous comment so I will post an update here:
    I just discovered that I do have Buddypress Nouveau. I did try the custom CSS but it didn’t work for me.



    you can try

    .bp-login-widget form p:first-of-type {
        display: none;




    Thanks for this but it had no affect at all.



    Hi Steph,
    The code you linked to at the Buddydev site works for me.
    I am using Buddypress 10.x
    Nouveau template pack.

    It is PHP code (not CSS) so should be added to your site accordingly.



    Hi ThinLizzie,

    Oh I see, not a developer so didn’t know it is PHP code.

    Could you tell me which PHP file to add it to? I assume it has to be in the plugin folder (ie Buddypress) in the wordpress “wp-content” -> “plugins”-> “buddypress” folder in the back end files? But i don’t know which php file it should go in.

    I’ve tried adding it to the end of a “bp-loader.php” and a “class-buddypress.php” but neither seemed to work.

    Thank you




    – I would recommend you use a plugin to add PHP code to your site. It’s very easy and safe.
    Search for the free “Code Snippets” plugin by Code Snippets Pro.

    – However, if you prefer to add the code direct to your theme, it should be added near the end of the functions.php file.



    Hi Thinlizie,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I can confirm that the code in the original link I posted works using Code Snippet.
    However, I prefer to have as few plugins as necessary. I know how to access the control panel of my site, so I prefer to add the code directly to the php file. However, there is no “functions.php” file in my control panel – not in the wp-contents, not in plugins nor buddypress folder. Do you know where I can access the correct folder for the correct php file to add the code to?

    Many thanks




    You can usually access functions.php via the WordPress admin area.

    WP Admin -> Appearance -> Theme File Editor

    If you can not see it there, then contact your Theme provider for support.

    Again, I recommend you use the Code Snippets plugin. It will add almost no overhead to your sites speed.



    This is how i did it, and it works as i tested it for my site.

    Go to your files:

    wp-content > plugins > buddypress > bp-templates > bp-nouveau > includes

    edit functions.php, go to line 983, or

    keyboard find and search for “Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we’ll get a new account set up for you in no time.”

    edit and click save



    @carinacodes Thank you for posting this! I was also using keyboard search to look for this line that says “Registering for this site is easy.” but I couldn’t find it, thanks for revealing where it is.

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