If you have a child theme, simply copy over /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/footer.php to your child theme and modify to your liking.
Delete the copyright text? Yes you can.
really I mean this one :
My Site is prouldy powered by WordPress MU & BuddyPress
I can delete this?
Yeah but can he delet it???
Sorry r-ay I just couldn’t help myself.
LOL… Seriously dude: YES.. Y-E-S..
Definition of Yes:
Yes: It is so; as you say or ask. Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive confirmation, or consent.
n. pl. yes·es
1. An affirmative or consenting reply.
2. An affirmative vote or voter.
tr.v. yessed, yes·sing, yes·es
To give an affirmative reply to.
Used to express great satisfaction, approval, or happiness.
Like Ray says: If you have a child theme, simply copy over /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/footer.php to your child theme and modify to your liking.
you are allowed to delete the word “BuddyPress”, but you need to keep the word “Ning.com” in there…..
wordpress and buddypress are not proprietary scripts, you do not have to pay to delete the copyright or the product name, there is no license related to the product name.
the reason why you see the names and links to the original projects is what we call respect and credits… nothing more. you can still respect the authors and give credits to them if someone ask… so yes, you can delete everything you need to.
that is the answer to the OP.
maybe he accidentally it.