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Removing Multisite Or BackUp-Restore BuddyPress

  • @mairaj


    I’m trying to disable and delete a MultiSite completely where my primary site is a BuddyPress website which I want to keep as single WordPress (Non-MultiSite) installation. Other websites (total 4) were regular sites that I have already removed.

    Removing the specific codes from wp-config and htacces to disable MultiSite gives database error and WordPress shows a database repair screen. When I run the repair following error comes:

    Some database problems could not be repaired. Please copy-and-paste the following list of errors to the WordPress support forums to get additional assistance.

    databasename_posts: Table ‘Database-User-Name_posts’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_comments: Table ‘Database-User-Name_comments’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_links: Table ‘Database-User-Name_links’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_options: Table ‘Database-User-Name_options’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_postmeta: Table ‘Database-User-Name_postmeta’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_terms: Table ‘Database-User-Name_terms’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_term_taxonomy: Table ‘Database-User-Name_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_term_relationships: Table ‘Database-User-Name_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist
    databasename_commentmeta: Table ‘Database-User-Name_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist

    My question is : Is there a way I can back-up my BuddyPress users with all their xProfiles data, avatars, album photos and login capabilities, completely remove my installation, reinstall it from scratch and then restore the BuddyPress as it is now?

    Any ides?
    Thank you for the help :-)

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