I found pastebin, so here are links to the coding for my page.php, sidebar.php, header.php, and footer.php. I would really appreciate any help analyzing this code, and maybe a tip or two on how to integrate buddypress into the theme. Thanks again, so much!
Sidebar.php http://pastebin.com/NGgq5fXn
footer.php http://pastebin.com/kBQnbTmD
header.php http://pastebin.com/Efrw00Yx
page.php http://pastebin.com/TEz6LxWK
@burntheedges you have two options
a. create only two files – header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php
– the downside is that the titles of the BP pages won’t be like the titles of the rest of your site i.e., not white text on black background
b. revise 16 BP template files – your pages titles will be styled like the rest of the site’s page titles
– downside revising 16 more or less template files when there’s an upgrade.
I would opt for (a) and wait till BP 1.7 where these additions/revisions will be fossils from the past 
How far away I the 1.7 release? 
Can’t say. Based on what’s in the BP roadmap – major upgrades – I can only guess around December or so, but don’t bet on it 
Well I’ve tried goin about and creating the separate header, sidebar and footer files but I honestly have no idea what code I need to add and where? Does anyone have a clue what I need to add to make these work?
I did ask you if you wanted option (a) or (b) above so we can do this already
Which is it?
Oh haha (a) please! Thanks so much!
Thanks again for doing this and all the help, I really appreciate everything
Based on the HTML structure of your theme, you will only need to create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to make the BP templates compatible with your theme.
If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your strings theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete those 6 BP folders transferred to your theme folder in server – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /members, /groups, /register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.
A. COPY your theme’s header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php
Open up header-buddypress.php and at the BOTTOM of the file, below other code contained within, add:
<article class="blog_post" id="post-id; ?>”>
B. CREATE a NEW BLANK FILE named sidebar-buddypress.php
Open up the blank sidebar-buddypress.php file and add the following within:
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {
Save file.
C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/strings/ in the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php files are
D. Copy the style modifications for some BP elements https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/theme-dev-bp-template-pack-walkthrough-twenty-ten-bp-1-5/3/ and paste those at the bottom of your theme’s stylesheet, then adjust to taste.
Thanks so much! Works like a charm!! Except now.. for some reason I can’t get bbpress forums to show up… oh well! Back to work!
Marking this as resolved.
As for bbPress not showing up, BP compatibility didn’t change the original page.php which bbPress theme compat uses. Please start a new topic in this forum or in bbPress.org if you need further assistance on this matter.