-by the way: my apologies for posting this in the wrong group at first… I’ll check both threads, but wouldn’t mind if an admin deleted the first post that was in the wrong group.
I’ve already enabled group forums. I tried it again, and it still didn’t work.
I continued to receive the “Please pick the group forum where you would like to post this topic.” or “This group does not have a forum” messages even after enabling group forums.
Thank you for your suggestion though.
Have you gone through basic troubleshooting like changing to bp-default theme and deactivating all plugins except BuddyPress?
I’m having this same problem and I have disabled all plugins and reverted to the bp-default theme – no luck. I also can’t find a solution to this anywhere.
Everything works fine on my localhost version, but things went haywire when I transferred the site and my database to the server. All my bugs up until now have been database-related, and considering my admin panel no longer had Forums for Groups activated at first (even though it was prior to transfer, and all my other settings were saved just fine), I think this might be as well.
Also, I only receive the “This group does not have a forum” error when I try to post a new topic to a new group I create, post-migration. If I try to post a new topic to an existing group, that I previously set up while on my localhost, I receive the error “There was an error when creating the topic.”
Okay, I solved half of the equation. I checked bb-config.php and realized I had never updated my database name, username, password or MySQL hostname, like I did for wp-config.php (funny, nobody ever mentioned that file for every migration tutorial I’ve seen).
I also made sure that the line `$bb->uri = ‘http://www.yoursite.com/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/’;` was correct.
Doing these, I can now post topics to groups that were existing before. I still can’t post to a brand new group. I still receive the “This group does not have a forum setup yet” error.
Okay well its the darndest thing…
I created a brand new group (the first I’ve created since updating bb-config.php) and successfully posted a topic. Everything appears to be working fine!
Osha, all of the above is my way of saying – check your bb-config.php file, located in your root folder. Make sure you have the correct `BBDB_NAME`, `BBDB_USER`, `BBDB_PASSWORD` and `BBDB_HOST` filled in. At least that’s where the solution was for me.
I’m having the same problem with a brand new install. All my config settings are correct, and I’ve activated forums.
I’m thinking about using it for instructional purposes, but until I can get the forums working, it’s relatively useless for that.
@davidveldt updating DB info in bb-config.php along with wp-config.php is definitely something to remember when you migrate site from localhost.
@kingary – do you mean you also migrated from localhost and/or that you can’t get Group Forums going?
@davidveldt -This sounds like something that I have yet to do… what exactly should I be changing these things to? This is where my ‘newbie’ status’ comes into play. I have deactivated all plugins and went to the default theme, and still recieved the ‘forum not setup’ error again for the groups…
I am thinking that this may be exactly what I need to update, but don’t know what I should update my wp-config.php file to exactly? (as in my BBDB_NAME, BBDB_USER, BBDB_PASSWORD and BBDB_HOST files).
Your help is damn appreciated with all of this!
Should I be putting my own information or is there something special that goes here? 
Thank you all!
@mercime It’s a new buddypress install on a new WP install: http://social.ourenglishclass.net. The admin pages say everything’s set up fine, but I can’t create a forum through the groups page or through the main forum page. I always get this message:
“This group does not have a forum setup yet.”
Solved my issue… had to start from a totally fresh install, but went a bit more step-by-step with the install to ensure that the forums were working.
Terribly inconvenient, have to work on restoring a bunch of things now… but overall, I would say it is worth it for the group forum function.
-A little off topic, but if you all are into the Occupy Movement and want to stay informed about the happenings in Minnesota, feel free to join me at occupymn.org
I guess I shall slowly master BuddyPress. I’m thinking the issue that I was having was due to my changing of the root file names in the process of making it live in place of an older site.
My recommendation is to always have lots of backed-up information just in case you need to start fresh with new software! :p
Thanks all for your suggestions.
Now onto the next task… custom admin bars that do not show posting options immediately. 
Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, I’m glad you resolved your problem!
For anyone else searching this same issue and landing on this thread. The file you may need to check is bb-config.php. You’ll notice it looks very similar to wp-config.php:
`// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for bbPress */
define( ‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘Your Database Name Here’ );
/** MySQL database username */
define( ‘BBDB_USER’, ‘Your Username Here’ );
/** MySQL database password */
define( ‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘Your Database Password Here’ );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( ‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘Your Host Name Here’ );`
If you are unsure about any of these settings, ask your webhost.
All mine are correct and identical but no dice. Anything else?