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[Resolved] BuddyPress Pages Not working – WP-ClearPhoto Theme alignment

  • @allentan


    I am using Buddypress for a photography website.

    I installed the plugin, and the pages created seems Not to work at all, It shows a Blank Page for Register, Activity, Group… etc. How can i fix this? The page seems to be in .html and Not ending a in Page_name/ is this causing the issue? I tried to uninstalled and install back, but not able to get it back to work….

    Please advise help..

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  • @aronprins


    Make sure your www or public_html folder has 777 chmod settings.
    In your wp dashboard rollover Settings -> Permalinks.

    Either re-save, or add %postname% in the box and hit save.
    That should do it ;)



    >> , It shows a Blank Page for Register, Activity, Group… etc. How can i fix this?

    To make your WP theme compatible with BuddyPress, you need to install and activate the BP Template Pack plugin, then go through BP Compatibility process

    Also, go to dashboard BuddyPress > Pages and make sure that BP components are associated with “Pages” in that panel.



    Thanks. The pages are working now.

    But the alignment are all out. Sidebar moved to the middle of page.
    And how can I move it back ad align to the Right.

    Is there a way to make a plain full width pages instant hour sidebar.



    What theme are you using? URI of theme?



    I am using solostream – Clearphoto theme.





    My issue is on the alignment of the sidebar on registration page…
    How it can be align to the Right side….



    @allentan Open up your clearphoto theme’s header.php file, copy all, and paste at, click submit and post the generated URL here. Do the same for your clearphoto’s index.php, page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php





    @allentan Next time, please identify which pastebin links to which theme file.
    Confirm – the 1st paste is header.php, the 3rd paste looks like index.php, the 4th paste looks like sidebar.php and the 5th paste is footer.php. Your 2nd paste is BP Groups Index page which I don’t need.

    Where is the paste for page.php file? If you want to use full-width, post code for the full-width page. If you want to you left or right sidebar, please post code of your preference.



    Apologise for the confusion. Here is the mapping.. (header.php) (index.php) (page.php) (sidebar.php) (footer.php)

    Let me know if you got any solutions…



    @allentan there’s something awry with your installation if you keep giving me the code for the Group Directory Index when I ask for your Clearphoto theme’s index.php file. Assuming you have the original zipped file of your Clearphoto theme, I suggest that you delete the clearphoto theme in your server via Appearance > Themes > Clearphoto – delete. Then reinstall Clearphoto for a clean slate.

    Activate BP Template Pack plugin and go through Appearance > BP Compatibility process. Again, for a clean setup.

    Then download BP Template Pack folders in your theme’s folder in server – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /groups, /members, and /registration

    Based on the HTML structure of your theme, you’d need to use the first option, i.e., change 16 template files within the 6 BP folders transferred to your Clearphoto theme folder in server during the compatibility process.

    Download the 6 clean BP folders to your computer hard drive.

    A. At the top of each of those 16 template files I linked to above, replace



    <?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb('

    ‘); } ?>

    Save files.



    B. At the bottom of the same 16 files, replace:


    with the following (except for registration/register.php):


    with the following for registration/register.php:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {


    Save files.

    C. Upload the 6 BP folders containing the 16 files you revised up to your server wp-content/themes/clearphoto/

    D. You might also want to check out the style modifications made in BP Twenty Ten for reference especially with removing the bullets and bringing in the extended width of the BP elements.



    Thanks for the info. Its looks better now…. the sign up button abit out. rest are ok.




    One more question is that when i do a sign up… there is no email send to me.

    Based on the tutorial, there is a place to “Turn On the registration”. I couldn’t find that in Buddypress setting… Do i need to turn on registeration.?




    Yes, registration is “off” by default. You turn on registration only if you’re opening up your site for public participation. To enable registration for a single WP site, go to dashboard menu Settings > General – Membership and click on box to allow registration.

    As to list bullet points and the BP elements extending past widths set, copy some or part of the style modifications for Twenty Ten child theme per link I gave at the end of the alignment instructions.



    when i drag my widgets..into side bar it automatically delete..plz fix my problem page no side bare is showing…

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