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[Resolved] Cannot get ”new topic” button to function in forums – The Unstandard Theme

  • @sarbanharble


    Not sure what I’m doing wrong – though I am sure I’m doing something wrong.

    I followed all the instructions for getting a non-buddypress theme to function as correctly. Everything seems sublime except I cannot get new topics to function. I manipulated the code so the sidebar aligns correctly (not in the other files yet, just in the index.php of the forum folder). Still, nothing is happening.

    I’m not that savvy at this, but I can follow instructions well and I’m now stuck. This is the page I’m having trouble with:

    I’ve got a bit before this goes to the live site, but this part is stumping me. I was able to use bbPress, but I don’t like how it’s nested and not integrated in a cozy way with the rest of Buddypress. This is the first time I’ve attempted integrating Buddypress/forums into a wordpress site, so please forgive my naivety.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

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  • @mercime


    @sarbanharble looks like you’ve not completed Step 3 of the BP Compatibility process for members, groups, activity and registration/activation pages-

    Based on a quick scan of the HTML structure of The Unstandard theme, you can use the 2nd method per link above to fix alignment of the BP template files – i.e., create necessary content/files header-buddypress.php, sidebar-buddypress.php and/or footer-buddypress.php and upload these to your theme folder – instead of the 1st method which involves changing 16 BP template files.



    @mercime thanks for the advice. I did try the second method to no avail. I went ahead and adjusted the forum/index.php just to make sure I could align it correctly, which it looks to have worked okay. I’ll probably just do that to the other…15. Par for the course of a career in befriending the interwebs.

    I’m not sure what happened but last I checked the button in question started functioning.



    @sarbanharble I downloaded The Unstandard theme from
    See if the instructions below to fix alignment will work for you:

    You will only need to create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php

    If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your unstandard theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your Unstandard theme folder in server – activity, blogs, forums, members, groups, register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.

    A. COPY your theme’s header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php

    Open up header-buddypress.php and at the BOTTOM of the file, below other code contained within, add this:

    <div id="post-” class=”single-entry group”>


    Save file.



    B. COPY your theme’s sidebar.php and Save As > sidebar-buddypress.php

    Open up sidebar-buddypress.php and at the TOP, above all code contained within, add this

    Then at the BOTTOM of sidebar-buddypress.php, below all other code, add this:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {


    Save file.

    C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/unstandard/ at the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php files are in

    D. Final note: Copy the style modifications for some BP elements and paste those at the bottom of your theme’s stylesheet, then adjust to taste.



    I want to extend my sincerest thank you for your help.

    I just need to tweak the style sheet a bit, but otherwise it’s great. Thanks.



    @sarbanharble you’re welcome. Marking this as resolved.

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