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[resolved] Conflict with different plugin while using messaging

  • Stuart Elliott


    Hi, I installed buddypress with no problems what so ever and everything is working great, except for the private messaging. When I send a new message to somebody, it sends ok, but I get the following error: ‘Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home3/indiegui/public_html/wp-content/themes/custom-community/_inc/ajax.php:527) in /home3/indiegui/public_html/wp-content/plugins/easy-contact/econtact.php on line 112’

    Is there an easy fix, or do I need to find myself a different plugin for the contact page?

    Many thanks for your help and for a great plugin!

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  • @mercime


    Change theme to bp-default theme.

    Stuart Elliott


    But I don’t want to use that theme, I’m using custom community! Surely there is a better solution than changing the theme?



    I should have added – to troubleshoot what is causing such behavior in your installation. If it’s custom community theme, then the theme authors should be notified asap. If changing to bp-default does not resolve the issue, then it could be easy-contact plugin that’s causing the issue.

    Looks like a bug in that easy contact plugin

    Stuart Elliott


    Thanks Paul, I have replaced the easy-contact plugin with a different one and all is working

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