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[Resolved] ’Create new account’ not linking to a registration page, just refreshes to home page

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  • @odofincaleb


    This usually occur when a user is logged in already and someone else wants to register. Log out all current users and retry signing up a new user. If this is not the issue, then it may be something else. Hope you get help.



    i have checked you site and i see the issue is not like i advised, sorry for the bother.



    thanks for trying though, really appreciate it :)



    Hi – sorry guys but this is a pretty serious issue – and we have to go live in a few days – any ideas?? PLEASE :)



    I’m having the same problem and would LOVE to know how to fix it. It is holding up my launch as well. Someone PLEASE HELP!!!



    @i25sa I found a fix that worked for me. It was a simple setting that got turned off when I added a plugin (and later deleted it). Go to settings, privacy and ensure that Registration is checked under Exclude from BuddyPress protection. Hope this helps. Q!



    If you’re using the BP Default theme, you won’t see a link to “create a new account” if Registration is turned off.

    @i25sa looks like you have more urgent issues than registration, see Did you go through the Installation Wizard after you activated BuddyPress?



    yes we are using default theme, and yes we are aware of the other minor issues which we can sort out quickly. We haven’t continued with the building of it until we can sort out the registration issue. yes we aslo went through the installation wizard as well – the rest of the issues we understand but we have to sort out the main problem which is how people register.

    Do you have an alternate suggestions for people to register ?

    Thanks :)



    sorry queenieb didn’t see your posts, thanks for responding :)
    I have looked for a ‘Privacy Setting’ with the details you have written and I don;t have that under any privacy options – all mine says is check or uncheck for search engines. Am I missing something?



    == yes we are using default theme, and yes we are aware of the other minor issues which we can sort out quickly. ==

    It’s all connected. If all BP pages were set properly, then the default URL of your Register page should be

    Instead, when I hover over the “create an account’ link, I see which is incorrect, and when you click on that link it goes to ``



    Hi, I found the problem – the plugin WP Buddypress private community was conflicting with it, so I deactivated the plugin and now the link goes through.

    Thanks Mercime, Queenieb & Odofincaleb for all your help, really appreciate it!


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