== move the Activity, Registration and Members folders to TwentyTen theme ==
You don’t “move” the BP folders to your theme, you need to
1. have Twenty Ten theme activated
2. install the BP Template Pack plugin https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-template-pack/
3. follow the instructions of the BP Compatibility Process https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/wordpress-to-buddypress-theme/
If you need some pointers for the whole process, read this – https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/bp-template-pack-walkthrough-level-easy-2/
@mercime thanks for your help! 
When I said “move” I mean “copy db-template-pack/template/Activity folder from plugin to Tweentyten folder”
I think it isn’t a css/html error because no theme loads.
Any other advice?
I’m taking a look on database wp_options, to see if there is something anormal.
@carlla sorry for not being clearer. You should not manually transfer the BP template files from the template pack yourself. The template pack process will transfer the BP template files in the backend.
Going back to the blank page
@mercine Thanks again. I tested the memory options and it seems not be the problem 
After I have done that test I remember another test I haven’t done yet. I deactivated all plugin ( buddypress too ) and actived only buddypress ( first ) and bp-template-pack. I get twentyten working again.
I can’t believe I haven’t done a silly test like that before #fail
The other plugins are still working and it seems not be interfering on buddypress anymore.
So, thanks very much for your help 
@carlla good to know you’ve got it working now.