@donsony first deactivate bbPress from Plugins > Installed. Next, check if your bb-config.php is still at the root of your WP installation and if the DB/user information is still correct.
@nggablog https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/installing-group-and-sitewide-forums/
If you already installed Group Forums in Settings > BuddyPress > Forums, then you should find your bb-config.php file at the root of your WP installation i.e., same level where you find your wp-config.php file.
I found bb-config.php in the root.
DB/user information is correct
What the next to do?
@nggablog go to dashboard Settings > BuddyPress > Settings panel — Forum Setttings – bbPress configuration -> make sure you have the correct “Absolute path to your bbPress configuration file.”
Thank you so much. The error has gone. 
But, what does the functions of buddypress’s forum?
I didn’t find any content/forum post even a member have some posting in the main forum (bbpress).
“Sorry, there were no forum topics found.”
@nggablog What you have in your main navigation – Forum > Gossip & Celebrity, etc. are from your Sitewide Forums (bbPress plugin). In the meantime, daniabrooks has not joined a Group with a forum and therefore has not posted any forum topics yet.
@mercime Great. Thank you for the explanation.
I think the Forum menu in buddypress display archieve of forum post from a member.
Is it possible to remove this menu since I don’t allow group have its own forum. I want to all member only active in one (main) forum.
And… how to remove bbPress Forum menu in the member’s dashboar?
I appreciate you helping me.
== I want to all member only active in one (main) forum. ==
Then deactivate the Group Forums. Go to dashboard Settings > BuddyPress > Components and uncheck Discussion Forums. https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/configure-buddypress-components/#settings-buddypress-components
Hi guys,
I think I have the same problem, just tried and tried many times to solve it, but it won’t work… I got this message:
Warning: require() [function.require]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/prima430/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-bbpress-sa.php on line 42
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ” (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/prima430/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-bbpress-sa.php on line 42
And the on config tab I got this:
Forums Settings
bbPress Configuration
Repair File does not exist
Absolute path to your bbPress configuration file.
I have bb-config at the root and just tried “/”, “/home/username/publica_html/” and nothing works…
Even if I deactivate bbpress and ask buddypress to uninstall group forums, the system reinstall it and the problem continues…
Any tip? Thanks and regards,
Thanks, Felipe